Michael Castleman, author of “Great Sex” — Feb. 4, 2014

Great Sex book cover (angled)

For over 30 years Michael Castleman has been a sex educator, counselor, journalist, and author. He returned to Dr. Diana’s program so that they could discuss a man’s guide to advanced lovemaking, better erections without drugs, and mismatched desire – all topics on his wonderful website www.GreatSexAfter40.com. This is a resource for people of all ages, and its information is accurate, up-to-date, and written in an engaging style. His most recent book “GREAT SEXA MAN’S GUIDE TO THE SECRET PRINCIPLES OF TOTAL-BODY SEX” is updated often in his E-Book, available on the website.  Sex is PLAY, and when the focus is on leisurely, playful, whole-body sensuality – the lovemaking is more satisfying. Women need the warm-up; otherwise, there is often a grim, forced march to intercourse. This is not fun! The appropriate analogy here is that men are like microwaves and women are more like crockpots. Get-away sex may  be more sensational because the couple can stay in the present, not thinking about home-related issues. Michael Castleman will return for Part II March 11th.

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).