Brad Coates, Esq., author of “Divorce with Decency” — Aug. 15, 2017

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Brad Coates ( knows all about marriages and divorce because he’s been a divorce lawyer in Honolulu, Hawaii for forty years. His popular book Divorce with Decency is now in its Fifth Edition. Dr. Diana and Brad, longtime friends, discussed how the Internet, social media, and porn have all contributed to the unraveling of marriages. Complaints about porn use constitute the number-one problem walking in the door of many couple and sex therapists today – a direct measure of the power that privacy afforded by handheld devices has to disrupt intimate relationships. Couples almost never discuss their sexual desires; some studies show that couples who view pornography together as partners find it easier to discuss their sexual desires and fantasies. As always, communication is key. Brad brought up teledildonics, a way to recreate the feelings of real (virtual) sex. Will this virtual reality sex replace real life sex? It may be on the horizon for some. Back to reality: in order to avoid divorce, never stop courting. Do not take your mate for granted, never get lazy in love!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):