Rebecca Gould, author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Diet” — Dec. 20, 2016


Rebecca Gould author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Diet – Embrace your sexual energy and awaken your senses for a healthier, happier, sexier you” – communicates so well the symbiotic relationship between living a full, rich, pleasure-filled life and a conscious, healthy relationship with food.  See more info about the book at Dr. Diana and Rebecca discussed topics including: Why does a woman looking for a diet book need her book? The choices we make about what we put in our mouths are only stand-ins for the beliefs we carry in our minds and our hearts. We also talked about the struggles that Rebecca faced that made her want to help women in this way. She’ll return for a Part 2 on the January 17, 2017. Please listen to this show – and tune in on the 17th!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):