Dr. Richard Wagner, author of “The Amateur’s Guide to Death and Dying” — Nov. 5, 2013

Richard Wagner book cover - front only - CopyRichard Wagner Ph.D. is the author of The Amateur’s Guide to Death and Dying: Enhancing the End of Life. How can we not admire his fearless approach to go into territory most consider taboo and awkward? Dr. Diana, and Dr. Richard, a former Catholic Priest and a current sexologist, explored the many profound issues surrounding the end of life…Living well and dying well are one and the same thing. In fact, if you are paranoid in life, will you be paranoid when you’re dying? Probably. Yet, with this book – where readers become part of an on-line page support group – it’s possible to work through complicated personal issues before one’s death. You may be inspired to discuss concerns with significant others, loved ones. In Part 2 next week, Dr. Richard will further explain his Chapter 6 where Dr. Cheryl Cohen Greene – the famous surrogate on whose life story the film “THE SESSIONS” was based – will address sexuality and intimacy.



Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour)