Brad Coates, author of “Divorce With Decency” — Dec. 10, 2013

Brad Coates book -- divorce With Decency - CopyBradley Coates, Esq. returned to the program. In his informative, entertaining book “Divorce with Decency” (in its 4th Edition) there are many tips on preserving and improving your marriage or other romantic relationships. Dr. Diana and Brad discussed these – including the importance of communication (especially sex talk), and the biological, brain differences between men and women. With Christmas fast approaching, an adoration list is a great gift! Ask your partner to write down seven non-materials things that would make him/her feel cherished by you, and make a similar list yourself. On another topic, Dr. John Gottman’s extensive research shows that the single biggest factor in marital success is “a husband’s willingness to accept the controlling influence of his wife.” Brad’s father proclaimed, “Happy Wife=Happy Life”!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour)

Candida Royalle — Sexuality and Cancer — Dec. 3, 2013

300px-Candida_Royalle_adjustedCandida Royalle, aka Candice – – returned to the program. The April 23rd archived program featured her erotic films from a female perspective. This show’s topic was SEXUALITY & CANCER, two words that some may think don’t go together. Dr. Diana and Candice discussed her personal experiences with cancer, and Rebecca, a caller, contributed to this intimate, informative conversation. John Wayne’s quote is appropriate: “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” Many women wish their oncologists would ask, “How’s your sex life?” We discussed the sexual fallout of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. Vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, and a flat-lined libido are common. New perspectives may emerge: stop wasting time, start living your life better, and give what you can – while you can – in all the relationships that matter. Also, creating a real relationship with yourself, sexual or otherwise, is a true gift to glean from your experience.

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour)

Candida, Nina, and Richard – Nov. 26, 2013

Candida cover - croppedI presided over a stellar panel consisting of Candida Royalle, pioneer filmmaker of female-friendly erotic movies; Nina Hartley, porn star and sex educator (“Sex is my subject, as artist, activist, scientist and healer”); and Richard Pacheco, an award-winning star from the Golden Age of Porn. All three have worked together, and all three have fascinating books – (Richard’s “HINDSIGHT” is especially hilarious)! The discussion was profound and entertaining, and we will do a Part 2. As we approach Thanksgiving, we are grateful for this program!

Click here to listen to the broadcast (approx. one hour)

Dr. Pepper Schwartz, author of “The Normal Bar” — Nov. 19, 2013

PepperSchwartz[1] - croppedThe very prolific (17 books under her belt) and wise Dr. Pepper Schwartz spoke about “The Normal Bar — The Surprising Secrets of Happy Couples and What They Reveal about Creating a New Normal in Your Relationship.”  With her co-authors, she collected data from more than 70,000 people around the world. You may go to to contribute to the ongoing online survey. This is a fascinating book on women, men, sex, and love – a compendium offering data as well as superb advice. For example, did you know that among all couples who’ve been together 10 or more years, more than half say they longer hold hands? It’s never too late to start holding hands, and it can even help settle arguments! Sadly, or so we all thought, 33% of respondents said they rarely or never have sex. There are suggestions to jump-start a sexual relationship. It’s not surprising that “The Normal Bar” is already on the best seller list. Please listen to the show, and buy this enlightening book…Your relationship will benefit enormously!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour)


Dr. Richard Wagner, author of “The Amateur’s Guide to Death and Dying” — Nov. 11, 2013

Richard Wagner book cover - front only - CopyDr. Richard Wagner returned to the program – and we discussed more about his life-changing book “The Amateur’s Guide to Death and Dying: Enhancing the End of Life.”  Profound questions were explored: What is important in life? And, how important is sexuality in your life? If I had six months to live, what might I be doing differently? What are some intimate/sexual techniques for folks who are dying – as well as for the rest of us? What should someone do who does not have a partner?

Answers were given. Many are touch deprived. Giving permission is essential. There are women who have to give to feel alive. What about two elderly women providing intimate touch for each other? Spoon breathing and guided hand touch for everyone was explained. Living a good death can help when facing one’s own mortality. These two programs provide an opportunity to break free from the painful silence our culture imposes on death talk.

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour)

Dr. Richard Wagner, author of “The Amateur’s Guide to Death and Dying” — Nov. 5, 2013

Richard Wagner book cover - front only - CopyRichard Wagner Ph.D. is the author of The Amateur’s Guide to Death and Dying: Enhancing the End of Life. How can we not admire his fearless approach to go into territory most consider taboo and awkward? Dr. Diana, and Dr. Richard, a former Catholic Priest and a current sexologist, explored the many profound issues surrounding the end of life…Living well and dying well are one and the same thing. In fact, if you are paranoid in life, will you be paranoid when you’re dying? Probably. Yet, with this book – where readers become part of an on-line page support group – it’s possible to work through complicated personal issues before one’s death. You may be inspired to discuss concerns with significant others, loved ones. In Part 2 next week, Dr. Richard will further explain his Chapter 6 where Dr. Cheryl Cohen Greene – the famous surrogate on whose life story the film “THE SESSIONS” was based – will address sexuality and intimacy.

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour)


Howie Gordon, author of “Hindsight” — Oct. 29, 2013

Porn_Barnstar_Hires -- smallHowie Gordon, a.k.a. Richard Pacheco, returned for Part 2. He and Dr. Diana discussed more in “HINDSIGHT.” Did his films educate men to please women? What kind of closure did he get as a result of the WORLD PORNOGRAPHY CONFERENCE – where Betty Dodson and Nina Hartley played significant roles?  Here is a part of his talk at this conference: “People were all uptight about sex, but there was no reason to be! We were like noble rogues in some divinely human struggle to make life in a body easier. It was important work! My generation tried to make lust respectable!” We discussed Howie’s life post-porn – including the documentary “After Porn Ends.” Howie and Nina have important messages here. At the end, we discussed a final chapter which looks at his 14-year-old first love, Sally. There was “forty-four years of foreplay.” Of this experience, Howie writes, “Life gave us a pass. We were the fourteen-year-old kids again. Only this time, we were not afraid of sexual pleasure. We had the benefit of knowledge and appreciation. There was no fear and there was no shame. There was consummation. There was completion.”  What a way to end this program!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour)


Howie Gordon, author of “Hindsight” — Oct. 22, 2013

2013-10-22 Howie Gordon -- Cover-Pygmalion - small

Love, Lust & Laughter Radio Interview — Oct. 22, 2013.

Howie Gordon, a.k.a Richard Pacheco, has written a fascinating and illuminating memoir: HINDSIGHT: True Love & Mischief in The Golden Age of Porn. The book’s foreword is by his friend Whoopi Goldberg. Dr. Diana and Howie discussed how his failures became his successes, how he tackled rejection head-on! We also talked about the psychology of porn, the deeper meanings of his work, and some of his favorite actresses. There is so much material; thank goodness Howie will return next week for Part 2! Meantime, look for his outstanding book at BearManor Media or on

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).

Brad Coates, author of “Divorce With Decency” — Oct. 15, 2013

Brad Coates book -- divorce With Decency - Copy

Love, Lust & Laughter Radio Interview, Oct. 15, 2013

Bradley Coates, Esq. returned to the program. He is the author of the award-winning 4th Edition of “Divorce with Decency – The Complete How To Handbook and Survivor’s Guide to the Legal, Emotional, Economic, and Social Issues.”  The topic we discussed was the 7 MegaTrends of the New Millennium – which include the women’s movement, cohabitation, the impact of social media and the internet, the proliferation of porn, civil unions, “gray” divorces, and the possible “end of marriage.” Brad is articulate and has a sense of humor…He’ll be back for sure! Meantime, you can get his excellent book on

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. 1 hour).