Dr. Richard Wagner, author of “The Gospel of Kink” — Nov. 25, 2014


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It’s that time of year again, when Americans baste turkeys, bake pies, and give thanks. Do you have an attitude of gratitude? My guest Dr. Richard Wagner certainly does! A former Catholic Priest and current sexologist, his views are spiritual, wise, and extremely insightful. Last year on November 5th and the 12th, we discussed his book The Amateur’s Guide to Death and Dying: Enhancing the End of Life. (Please visit the archives to hear these shows.) His more recent book is The Gospel of Kink. First we discussed the rituals for love – where a heart-felt “thank you” can be more meaningful than “I love you.” It very likely this will raise the other up – and get us out of our egos at the same time. Many relationships die from emotional undernourishment. People forget to say what they value and appreciate about their partner. Speak up! It creates good feelings, which draws us closer. The second part of the program explored BDSM aftercare. It turns out that BDSM folks prioritize sex, make time for it, accept their sexuality, and communicate openly with their partner. Dr. Wagner discusses power play where partners talk clearly about sexual parameters, limits, safe words and the like. The aftercare piece is when the partners can embrace and say thank you…It can be the transition from the personality in the scene to the day-to-day personality. There is so much more!  Please listen. Happy Thanksgiving!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Bradley Coates, Esq., author of “Divorce With Decency” — Nov. 18, 2014


Bradley Coates, Esq., (www.CoatesandFrey.com) returned to the program. He is the author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY” – 4th Edition. The focus of the show was a question in this book: IS MARRIAGE DEAD?  Every day in June about 13,000 American couples say “I do,” committing to a lifelong relationship of joy and love; except, of course, it doesn’t work out that way for most people. The majority of marriages fail, either ending in divorce and separation or devolving into bitterness and dysfunction. Brad Coates, heading up Hawaii’s largest divorce law firm, knows that the latter is true.  The stats, enumerated in his book are alarming: the 2010 Census revealed that married couples represented only 48% of all households. Furthermore, two-thirds of women file for divorce, dissatisfied with having to assume too much of the relationship responsibility – and more. Dr. Diana and Brad also discussed the Internet’s connectedness craze – as well as porn. Relationships are truly affected by these modern trends. On January 20, 2015 Brad will return to the show so that we can discuss the ingredients of a healthy and lasting relationship.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Joan Price, author of “Naked at Our Age” — Nov. 11, 2014

Naked at Our Age

FEMALE ORGASMS – they feel great, help you lose weight, are good for your health, and are free! Joan Price – www.JoanPrice.com – writes about this, among other sexual matters – in her books “Better Than I Expected – Straight Talk about Sex after Sixty,”  and “Naked at Our Age – Talking Out Loud About Senior Sex.”  Dr. Diana and Joan discussed orgasms at any age,  and the importance of practice – with oneself and with a partner. The more orgasms you have, the more orgasms you’re likely to have in the future! “The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety forms the basis of the general fear of life.” – Wilhelm Reich.  Dr. Reich’s idea led us into the center of letting go, possible fears, negative body image, and more. Joan Price’s idea of tracking the tingle, breathing, using fantasy, and sex toys were all examined. We need to move beyond compartmentalizing our sexual selves – reflected in Anna Freud’s observation, “Sex is something you do, sexuality is something you are…”   Orgasms help a lot with feeling sexiness in your body, mind, and spirit – so that our sexuality is more robust!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Lynn Brown Rosenberg, author of “My Sexual Awakening at 70″ — Nov. 4, 2014

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Your sexual self – the unique blend of attitude, experience, and sensuality you bring to bed – is never fixed. Lynn Brown Rosenberg really knows about this concept because she wrote a memoir “My Sexual Awakening at 70” – www.LynnBrownRosenberg.com . Her mother and father were sexually repressed – and  passed along lots of sex negative messages. Emotional attachment in the family of origin establishes not only the ability to achieve a sense of connection but a degree of security in later relationships. Lynn overcame lots and has had many sexual adventures and personal insights as a result. She learned how to re-invent herself and powerful orgasms were a delightful by-product!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Authors Sheri Winston and Carl Frankel — Oct. 28, 2014

Secrets of the Sex Masters

This is Part 2 with Sheri Winston author of “Succulent Sex Craft” – www.SucculentSexCraft.com, and this time she is joined by her life and business partner Carl Frankel author of “Secrets of the Sex Masters.”  As two sex masters themselves, they are perfectly positioned to address this question: How do you keep a thriving, exciting sex life? They dispel the myth that great sex is just supposed to happen naturally; indeed, it takes practice and consciousness. The most inspiring sex is often a result of good technique, great set and setting, playfulness, a lengthy time period – but most importantly a lover who is fully present with you! The key to ecstatic sex is the ability to stay relaxed and aware in high states of sexual arousal…relaxing into the excitement, letting it spread throughout your body. Sheri and Carl recommend breathing exercises (outlined in their books), and getting out of one’s head and into one’s body. Expanded orgasms for women and for men were discussed – as well as solo sex sessions. These enlightened guests – high in sexual intelligence – encourage you  to become a clear channel about sex in order to fully claim your erotic birthright!  This is a program where you will want to take notes!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Tami Meraglia, author of “The Hormone Secrets” (due in 2015) — October 21, 2014

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Dr. Tami Meraglia, M.D. (www.DrTami.com and www.VitalityMediSpa.net) is a Seattle-based double board certified physician in Aesthetic Medicine, and integrative & Natural Medicine. Her passion, experience and intelligence for her field shone in the interview with Dr. Diana. Early next year her book “The Hormone Secrets” will be published. By going to her website, you can see her FOX NEWS appearance where she interpreted a study focusing on physical attractiveness and health. Dr. Tami commented that, among other things, these folks often have less stress and thus less inflammation. Also on Dr. Tami’s website is a HORMONE QUIZ. Hormones are messengers that relay communication between the brain and the body. Based on the results of this quiz – as well as  blood tests – this inspired doc can prescribe bio-identical hormones and more. She even does telemedicine – talking with patients in other countries. Dr. Tami and Dr. Diana discussed stress, and how to turn on the relaxation response. Hormone replacement therapy and managing stress goes a long way to improving many sex lives. When sex goes well it accounts for 15% of a marriage; but when sex is bad, it’s 85%. You will learn a lot! Please listen.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Sheri Winston, author of “Succelent Sex Craft” — October 14, 2014

Succulent Sex Craft (245 x 350)

What you don’t know about genitals may surprise you! With Sheri Winston we discovered the less known and poorly understood parts of female anatomy, including the female erectile network. All is detailed in Sheri’s most recent book “Succulent Sex Craft” – www.SucculentSexCraft.com.  She is a renowned sexuality teacher as well as a student of esoteric erotic arts. She was a certified nurse-midwife and gynecology practitioner.  Sheri emphasizes WHOLISTIC SEXUALITY – an approach which integrates modern science, ancient traditions, biology, anatomy, and spirituality. Dr. Diana and Sheri spoke about her wholistic approach which motivated her comprehensive learning journey – as well as the female erectile network, and clitoral/vaginal orgasms. She’ll return in two weeks for more illuminating discussions!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Joan Price, author of “Naked at Our Age” — Oct. 7, 2014

Naked at Our Age

Joan Price is a senior sexpert and has been dubbed a “wrinkly sex kitten”!  www.JoanPrice.com  Her books include Better Than I Ever ExpectedStraight Talk about Sex after Sixty,” and Naked at Our Age – Talking Out Loud About Senior Sex.”  “Ageless Erotica is a book she edited – and is it ever a sexy, steamy book! Here’s a quote: “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.” Joan and Dr. Diana spoke about her books – and how aging brings advantages to sexuality and sexual communication. Love and sex need not go stale with time, but like a successful garden, it needs plenty of attention. We also focused on one of her Chapters: DWO – Dating While Older. While this program is intended for everyone looking for love – whatever your age, background, dating history, sexual preferences or intentions – the focus of our discussion was for 50-plus folks. Please tune-in…You’ll be inspired!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Ross Rosenberg, author of “The Human Magnet Syndrome” — September 30, 2014

Human Magnet Syndrome

Ross Rosenberg truly understands the attractors of love and consequent suffering – i.e., how giving, selfless individuals (codependents) are often drawn to self-centered, controlling partners (emotional, narcissistic manipulators). This is reflected in his book ”The Human Magnet Syndrome: Why We Love People Who Hurt Us, Emotional Manipulators, Codependents and Dysfunctional Relationships.”  There are 4 Stages of Codependency Recovery, and feelings of shame, loneliness play their roles…even sex addiction. To find out more, listen to the program, and go to his website www.TheHumanMagnetSyndrome.com. Buy his book because it is filled with wise and practical information!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Stephanie Buehler, author of “Sex, Love, and Mental Illness” — Sept. 23, 2014


Stephanie Buehler -- Sex, Love and Mental Illness

Sexual abuse…sexual assault…these are difficult topics. Most of us have sexual wounds. For this program we have one of the best sexual experts – consider it a consultation with Dr. Stephanie Buehler (www.TheBuehlerInstitute.com). Dr. Stephanie and Dr. Diana discussed how sexual abuse affects adults; for example, at the time of the molestation a girl may feel pleasure (we are hard-wired for it) – but it is often mixed with other feelings such as disgust, anger, fear, and confusion. In therapy the client gets to sort out what happened, why they’re having the reactions they’re having, and what their triggers might be. If the victim can tell someone immediately what happened, if she is believed, and if the person she tells is supportive and affirms she did not cause the abuse – the outcome may be less traumatic. What about the partner? Most have deep feelings of outrage, shame, and guilt to work out. Sensual loveplay, especially massage, may be ideal before she is ready for lovemaking. For some men it may be difficult to stop at the sensual without becoming sexual. Appreciating sensuality apart from sexuality is a crucial ingredient of problem-free lovemaking! It is important to seek help as soon as possible (from a trained therapist) so that potential opportunities for pleasure and intimacy can be fulfilled!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):