Barbara and Michael Jonas, creators of “An Enchanted Evening” — March 31, 2015

An Enchanting Evening

Barbara and Michael Jonas, voted by PEOPLE magazine to be one of America’s Most Romantic Couples, have created many games – games that ABC NEWS proclaimed were love, laughter & romance…in a box. An Enchanting Evening (which has sold 750 thousand-plus copies) was the first. Please go to where the Jonas’s have set up their shopping cart so that you listeners can get a copy of EITHER Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date at no cost. Use the code Wiley. Only one game is downloadable…look for the Downloadables section from the upper toolbar. These games encourage the kind of playful touch and supportive communication most couples need to reinstate so that intimacy and sexual desire can go hand in hand! Michael and Barbara will return next week for Part 2 – and their free game offer will remain for two weeks. Please listen to the show, and you will realize that “Time for Two” is one of America’s sexiest businesses. Plus, the backstory is inspirational!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Carl Frankel, co-author of “Secrets of the Sex Masters” — Mar. 24, 2015

Secrets of the Sex Masters

Carl Frankel is a writer, entrepreneur and managing director of Sheri Winston’s Intimate Arts Center ( Dr. Diana and Carl discussed one of his books “Secrets of the Sex Masters” and specifically his chapter on ENERGY SEX with Reid Mihalko. To quote from their chapter: “…when you make sex more interesting, you make life more interesting…energy sex is magical in the sense that it’s not easily explained by our rational mind…It’s literally a wonderful experience, as in – full of wonder.” Positivity is important; indeed, 40% of our happiness is in our control. You create love – it is not a state. Energy (heart emotions) precedes anatomy. “Peaking” is an exercise Carl and his partner Sheri do: it’s a “glad game”(based on a 1913 book about Polyanna) where they each find the positive emotional and heart energy. For them these are Positivity Games: micro-moments of positivity resonance. Another side benefit of energy sex: It’s a training ground for great habits and can make you more self-confident and open-minded. Energy sex can also make you a happier, better person!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Diana to speak in Victoria BC on March 6, 2015

Silver Threads Service

Dr. Diana Wiley will give a presentation on “Intimacy, Sexuality & Aging” at the Victoria Centre (Victoria BC) on Friday, March 6, 2015 at 1:00 pm.  She offers straight talk on sex after 60 and will explore attitudes, myths, and advantages of mature sex.  This presentation is sponsored by Silver Threads Service, a non-profit organization in Victoria BC that address the social, health, activity, intellectual, and information needs of seniors and provide essential connections.

Dr. Patti Britton & Dr. Robert Dunlap (The Boom Doctors) — Feb. 24, 2015

Boom Doctors Logo - Copy (2)

Dr. Patti Britton, a nationally board-certified clinical sexologist and world renown sex coach, is the author of hundreds of articles and four amazing books. ( Dr. Robert Dunlap is a seasoned media expert, with appearances in over 400 commercials, and in print, film and television. He is also the filmmaker of “Beyond Vanilla” and “Xaviera Hollander: The Happy Hooker.” As a clinical sexologist with a specialization in BDSM/kink and fetish populations, he and his partner Dr. Patti were perfectly poised to discuss “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Because they were so disappointed in the film, for them it was retitled “Fifty Shades of Lame.” The Doctors Diana, Patti and Robert discussed the film and its possible (dangerous) sexual ramifications. Dr. Patti & Robert continue to run SAR’s (Sexual Attitude Reassessment) in this country and internationally – with the next one being held in Poland. ( Their weekly radio show is called The Boom Doctors ( No matter your age, they serve as role models for sex-positivity, sexual empowerment, sexual health and sexual success. Dr. Patti’s credo is “Celebrate your sexual self!” Indeed, that’s what “Love, Lust, and Laughter” is all about!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Ginger Swanson, researcher on “The Other Woman” — Feb. 10, 2015

Ginger Swanson __The Other Woman__ cropped

THE OTHER WOMAN – she might be history’s most reviled female, or the most misunderstood.  Dr. Ginger Swanson’s research helps us understand the dynamics of the triadic relationship from the other woman’s point of view.  (  Dr. Ginger’s motivation and inspiration to delve into this topic was from her personal experience as the other woman. The research helped with her own healing, opening the floodgates of compassion for anyone involved. She explored The Other Woman through 100 years of film…deception, the Hays Code, Forbidden Hollywood Films.  Dr. Diana and Dr. Ginger also discussed Sabina Spielrein who was the other woman in Carl Jung’s life – and Anais Nin, a very sexual woman in Henry Miller’s life. Listen to this program for fascinating information – perhaps leading to a more enlightened point of view!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “Penis Power” — Feb. 3, 2015


Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and as the biggest romantic holiday of the year, it can create pressure and expectations on a couple to achieve the best sex ever. The timing is right:  Dr. Dudley Danoff, M.D. returned to the program with his wisdom and wit! His book “PENIS POWERThe Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health” ( addresses boredom, habituation – when sex becomes a chore. What about the Coolidge Effect? What is the Hard Dick Syndrome (where fear and performance anxiety are present)? Dr. Diana and Dr. Danoff discussed unpleasant aspects of sex including an unresponsive partner. It may be that if you’re in your head, you’re not in your body. Or, as Perls said, “Lose your mind and come to your senses!” When the Problem is Your Heart, anger and resentment need to be dealt with first, and then the Spice of Life can be enjoyed – weekends away, and realizing that sex does not have to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Indeed, Sex is Play! In a survey of more than five hundred men about what made a woman a great lover, do you know what made the top of the list? ENTHUSIASM. You’ll want to hear this program for its enthusiasm and varied sexual information!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Bradley Coates, Esq., author of “Divorce with Decency” — Jan. 20, 2015


Bradley Coates, Esq. returned to the program. His book “Divorce with Decency” is now in its 4th Edition. This book is an all-encompassing survey of love, marriage, and romantic relationships. Brad is unlike the vast majority of divorce attorneys because he lectures internationally on Marriage Preservation Pointers, also the subject of this program.  What are the ingredients for a healthy and lasting relationship? Bradley Coates and Dr. Diana discussed the basic nature of conflict, romantic illusions, different gender styles, mental and sexual differences.  They expanded on the “Surprising (And Scientifically Proven) Things That Lead to a Lasting Marriagefrom the Huffington Post. Please listen – there is lots of useful information for anyone who is in a partnership – or wants one.

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Authors Sheri Winston and Carl Frankel — Jan. 6, 2015

Succulent Sex Craft (245 x 350)

Sheri Winston, author of “Succulent Sex Craft,” and her partner Carl Frankel, author of “Secrets of the Sex Masters,” rejoined the program – getting 2015 off to a sexy, informative start!  Their Valentine’s two-day workshop Becoming an Erotic Virtuoso offers an intensive for both singles and partners. Energy and anatomy is an amazing combination! They will discuss the “Secrets of the Sexual Body,” and the “Secrets of Sexual Energy” – as we did on this program. Please listen to this show – and go to their website for more information.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “Penis Power” — Dec. 16, 2014


Dr. Dudley Danoff, world renowned urologist, founder and President of Cedars-Sinai Tower Urology in Los Angeles, returned to the program to further unzip the secrets of male sexual health. His book PENIS POWER – The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual – is empowering for men and their partners!  For this program, Dr. Danoff and Dr. Diana focused on the Low-T (testosterone) debate and E.D. (erectile dysfunction). We hear a lot about low-T. Is Big Pharma selling a real cure or one that is not needed? A skeptical and medical discussion followed: sales of testosterone therapies jumped from $324 million to $2 billion is 2012. Is there a natural T. decline with aging? What about health issues? (The bigger the belly, the lower the T. levels, for example.) E.D. affects roughly half of Americans over 60. There are very real roles for nitric oxide and exercise. How can a female partner help with performance and confidence issues? Dr. Danoff offered information about the medical and emotional causes of impotence, offering practical solutions. Please listen to the archived program. You won’t want to miss this show!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Carl Frankel, author of “Love and the More Perfect Union” — Dec. 9, 2014

Love and the More Perfect Union (Carl Frankel)

Carl Frankel is a writer, entrepreneur and the managing director of Sheri Winston’s Center for the Intimate Arts. Dr. Diana and Carl discussed one of his books “Love and the More Perfect Union.” In this book Carl creatively combines established principles of relationship happiness with original and useful maps and models. His acronym for intimate relationships is A-C-E for autonomy, connection and equity. Do you like yourself when you’re not around your partner? If you can bring your whole, imperfect human self to the relationship and feel safe, seen, heard and known, those are good indications you’re in the right place. What is the Continuum of Connection and how does it affect relationships?  What are some of the main sources of relationship unhappiness?  These questions and more were discussed. Carl ( will return to this program January 27, 2015. Please tune-in for more fascinating talk!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):