Dr. Ava Cadell, founder of sexpert.com — Aug. 4, 2015


Pleasure and passion is a sign of health – one of the vital signs, like your pulse rate. Dr Ava Cadell – www.sexpert.com – and Dr. Diana discussed the health benefits of sex. The latter include (all research based): a longer life, improved heart health, pain relief, better sleep, reduced stress, an improved immune system, and gains in your appearance and relationship. One female sexual health device shown on Dr. Ava’s website sexpert.com is the INTENSITY. Please go to www.pourmoi.com where you will find a device that definitely has pleasure with a purpose! Listeners can get $50 off with the PROMO code 50free. The male sexual health device discussed was the PRIVATE GYM. Listeners can go to www.privategym.com and get this device and training program at 20% off with the PROMO code sexpert20. Dr. Diana’s interview with Dr. Ava reflected her knowledge and intelligence; indeed, she is the author of nine books! Discovering pleasure with a partner is like pouring cement into a foundation. Physical touch that leads to ecstatic release not only releases hormones and endorphins that promote health and longevity, but also serve as the basis of biological bonding.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Susan Block, author of “The Bonobo Way” — July 28, 2015

The Bonobo Way

Dr. Susan Block author of “THE BONOBO WAY – The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure” and Dr. Diana enjoyed a lively interview. Her book is written in a provocative, humorous and engaging style that makes science fun and ecology erotic! Dr. Suzy weaves stories, studies, theories and fantasies into a practical path of action so that one can release one’s “inner bonobo.” (Even more on the latter when we do Part 2.) What do bonobos know about sex, war and the rest of life that we don’t? We spoke about some of those things: they have lots of sex; they never kill each other; they empower females; they stay young longer; and they live in peace through pleasure. Your human love life might be improved by listening to this program and getting Dr. Block’s book at http://www.thebonobowaybook.com/. Indeed, she has a new understanding of how to enhance our intimate relationships!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Tami Meraglia, author of “The Hormone Secret” — July 21, 2015

The Hormone Secret

Tami Meraglia, MD, is a physician with a passion: to help women take charge of their own hormone health and happiness!  Dr. Tami is double board certified in integrative and natural/aesthetic medicine. Her recently published book “The Hormone Secret – discover Effortless Weight Loss and Renewed Energy in just 30 Days”  is getting lots of media attention. By going to her website www.DrTami.com you will learn about her holistic approach – so very necessary in a time when hormone levels decrease 30 to 50% between the ages of 20 and 40 alone. Stress and the inflammation it creates is a huge factor.  Women are exhausted. Dr. Tami focuses on testosterone, and a healthy dosage helps women slim down, improves their mood, lowers the risk of cardiac disease, increases energy and libido, prevents osteoporosis, enhances skin tone and texture, and may even prevent cognitive decline. (Full disclosure: I’ve been on BHRT for many years and especially love my testosterone replacement!) Dr. Tami reveals that more than 90% of women over age 45 suffer from low testosterone levels. Please listen to this program – you will be informed and perhaps inspired!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Lori Buckley, author of “21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy Relationship” — May 26, 2015

Lori Buckley

Dr. Lori Buckley – www.DrLoriBuckley.com – returned to the program. Her book is “21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy Relationship” and can be purchased on Amazon. Dr. Diana and Dr. Lori co-narrated GREAT SEX for A LIFETIME, volumes 1 & 2 available on www.BetterSex.com. For this edition of “Love, Lust & Laughter,” the focus was on performance and pleasure anxiety. We explored why folks resist sexual pleasure.  Overwhelmed by sexual excitement, they may have difficulty relaxing and giving up control. They may be performance driven rather than experience drawn. Being in control may help folks feel safer, less vulnerable; yet, surrendering to sex can create so much more emotional and physical intimacy (as well as more orgasms)!  Listen to this show for illumination around these issues!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

David Steniberg, author of “This Thing We Call Sex” — May 12, 2015

This Thing We Call Sex

David Steinberg, author of “This Thing We Call Sex,” returned to the program. (You can listen to Part 1 of the interview, which aired on April 14, 2015.) David’s core message is that sex is important for everyone … a treasure to be celebrated, and a path to self-knowledge. Dr. Diana and David first discussed MONOGAMY. Quoting Oscar Wilde: “Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.” Perhaps we confuse love with lust – even though the two are as distinctly different as red wine and blue cheese! Myths about monogamy: people in open relationships have psychological problems. Because open relationships require well-developed communication skills, and a high level of self-awareness, research has shown they are no more or less dysfunctional. EROTIC IMAGES and David’s fine art erotic photography were explored. Steinberg is a word person … and then he discovered the visual world: photographing people enjoying the emotional, joyful connection as they were sexual! You may learn more by going to www.DavidSteinberg.us

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “Penis Power” — May 5, 2015


Dr. Dudley Danoff, M.D., known for his wisdom and wit, discussed life and love – both good to enjoy to the fullest! Dr. Danoff is a board-certified urologist who for years has helped couples achieve the emotional intimacy and physical satisfaction they desire. His book “PENIS POWER – The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health” acknowledges women, too, in his “Women’s Top 10 Complaints,” which include a husband without sexual skills. Dr. Diana asked, “Why is it that so many people are still suffering from a lack of sexual fulfillment?” Anyone can learn techniques, but technique alone will not make him or her a good lover. Dr. Danoff knows that when a man satisfies a woman, he frees her from harboring negative feelings such as frustration, disappointment, and anger. He needs to communicate and appreciate! His M.O. is inspirational: “The more you give of yourself, the more you get in return.” Listen to the program to get more! www.PenisPowerBook.com

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Bradley Coates, Esq., author of “Divorce with Decency” — Apr. 28, 2015


Bradley Coates, Esq., returned to the program. His book “DIVORCE with DECENCY – The Complete How To Handbook and Survivor’s Guide to the Legal, Emotional, Economic, and Social Issues” is in its Fourth Edition. Brad and Dr. Diana discussed the basic differences between men and women and its impact on their relationships. Researchers are discovering that when we talk, fight, flirt, or even exchange a moment’s glance with our fellow humans, we physically shape one another’s brains. Brad’s book looks at the male & female differences: mentally, in terms of values, communication, and sexually. Please listen. You will enhance your existing relationship – or, perhaps, prevent a divorce!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

David Steniberg, author of “This Thing We Call Sex” — April 14, 2015

This Thing We Call Sex

David Steinberg, author of “This Thing We call Sex,” knows that sex is who we are, how we live – and how we experience desire, yearning, joy, and life! His book is a collection of his writings on sex and gender – documenting the American sexual landscape from teenage sexuality to Viagra, swingers’ parties to erotic spirituality, lap dancing to women’s sexual liberation, fine art sexual photography to pornography, homophobia to BDSM – visiting many sexual worlds! Dr. Diana and David discussed the Seattle Erotic Art Festival and his participation in it (April 23-25, 2015). MEN and PORNOGRAPHY is one of his chapters, and it addresses some unresolved sexual issues – namely, sexual scarcity, rejection, and the fear of being sexually undesirable. MONOGAMY MYTHS is another chapter in David’s thoughtful book. There will be more discussion on this topic – as well as others — when David returns for Part 2 on May 12, 2015.  Please go to his website www.DavidSteinberg.us for a signed copy of his book — or purchase  copy at Amazon.com.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Barbara and Michael Jonas, creators of “Fan the Flames” game — April 7, 2015


Barbara and Michael Jonas returned for a lively, informative Part 2 describing their romantic games! Please remember to go to www.TimeforTwo.com where you can download either Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date at no cost, using the code Wiley. This offer will remain for one more week. If you listen to the program, you will see why this is an unbelievably attractive offer! We focused on their game Fan the Flames  — remembering that re-sparking isn’t a chore…it’s a delight! The Jonas’s have heard from thousands of couples over the years – in response to An Enchanting Evening or another of their romantic games. They talk about “Six Satin Strings to Tie Around Your Finger”: (1) Being attentive…aware (2) Being appreciative…considerate (3) Being together…building a partnership (4) Being yourself…celebrating two individuals (5) Finding humor…laughing together (6) Being intimate…being affectionate. Dr. Diana discussed each point with Michael and Barbara. A quote from their book by Jules Renard says a lot: “If I were to begin life again, I should want it as it was. I would only open my eyes a little more.”    

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Diana addresses Ageless Living Expo in Victoria, BC — March 28, 2015

Dr. Diana at Ageless Living Expo, March 28, 2015

Dr. Diana was a featured speaker at the Ageless Living Expo on Saturday March 28, 2015, at the Bay Centre in Victoria, BC, Canada. She spoke to an enthusiastic crowd about several topics related to aging, relationships, and sexuality.