Bradley Coates, author of “Divorce with Decency” — Oct. 27, 2015


Bradley Coates, Esq., ( is the author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY – The Complete How-To Handbook and Survivor’s Guide to the Legal, Emotional, Economics, and Social Issues.”  Brad and Diana are friends: the first appearance on her radio show was in Honolulu in 1999 when the First Edition of his book was published. Now he’s about to publish his Fifth Edition. The topic for this program was Romantic Relationships in this Modern Millennium. Unmarried cohabitation is on the rise…What are the ripple effects? Legally, the Paternity Calendars as well as the Domestic Abuse Calendars are full. The children often suffer because happy adults usually produce happy children. Modern couples often want it all: intimacy and autonomy, reassurance, safety and novelty, coziness but with thrills. Personal growth can occur after breakups – and as Bradley Coates says, “Keep your eyes open. Learn and improve!” Listen to this program; it’s likely you too will learn and improve!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Susan Block, author of “The Bonobo Way” — Oct. 13, 2015

The Bonobo Way

Did you know that October is Kink Month? What better way to acknowledge and celebrate kink than with Dr. Susan Block! She returned to the program with a focus on Bonobo BDSM. Her book is “THE BONOBO WAY – The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure” (, and there are many comparisons between humans and bonobos. People who practice BDSM tend to prioritize sex – they make time for it, they’re accepting of their sexuality, and they communicate openly with their partner. With bonobos there is a dominant/submissive hierarchy; in managing their aggression, they turn it into sex, keeping the peace. In their matriarchal communities, the females share the rule, brokering peace. In fact, all those interested in human happiness should read this book!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Serena McKenzie, N.D. — Sept. 29, 2015


Dr. Serena McKenzie, N.D. and Dr. Diana have collaborated for almost six years, sharing hundreds of cases using a mind-body approach. We see that medical factors have strong psychosexual components. Dr. Serena is the Medical Director for the Northwest Healthy Sexuality Center in Kirkland, WA ( where she specializes in evaluation and treatment of wide variety of sexual concerns. Addyi, the newly FDA approved “pink Viagra,” was the focus of this program ( Dr. Serena is an approved provider for this drug, and it will be available October 17, 2015. She sees Addyi as one tool for low female desire…women who want to want. She educates her patients; so, they are making an informed choice. It is an informed option. You have an option to listen to this show – please do!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Tribute to Candida Royalle, with Nina Hartley & Richard Pacheco — Sept. 22, 2015


Candida Royalle (1950-2015)

The show was a heartfelt tribute to Candida Royalle, whose activism made it OK for women to claim sexual pleasure as their own. Dr. Diana’s friend of some 28 years died two weeks ago of ovarian cancer. Candida – “Candice” – observed, “I wasn’t interested in making the same old, typical, boring pornography…I wanted it to be something that women could enjoy.” On PRN November 26, 2013, Dr. Diana presided over a stellar panel consisting of Candida Royalle, pioneer filmmaker of female-friendly erotic movies; Nina Hartley, porn star and sex educator (“Sex is my subject, as an artist, activist, scientist and healer”); and Richard Pacheco (Howie Gordon), an award winning star from the Golden Age of Porn. Howie’s book Hindsight: True Love & Mischief in the Golden Age of Porn is especially hilarious! Nina’s book is also quite wonderful: Nina Hartley’s Guide to Total Sex. In this interview, Nina and Howie paid tribute to Candida with some fascinating insights and memories of the times they worked with her. In honor of Candida Royalle, why not enjoy one of her films or toys (Natural Contours) and have an amazing orgasm in her name? I believe she would like that!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “The Ultimate Guide to Men’s Sexual Health” — Sept. 15, 2015

Male Sexual Health

Dr. Dudley Danoff, MD, FACS, a world renowned urologist,  returned to the program – and this is his sixth time! His book “Penis Power – The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health” has been re-published with the title “The Ultimate Guide to Men’s Sexual Health” – He has added to the superb content of his first book. Dr. Danoff and Dr. Diana offered the audience a “Penis I.Q. Quiz.” A discussion of the new FDA approved drug – the so-called “Pink Viagra” – was addressed as well. Female sexuality is complicated: women need to feel safe and comfortable before their hypothalamus sends out signals that they’re ready for sex. Foreplay for women is everything that happens 24 hours before sex. For men, it’s three minutes before insertion. Dr. Danoff, a truly wise man, knows that the greatest aphrodisiac is love itself. Lovers can be tender and playful one moment, fiery and erotic another. Great sex is at its finest, an emotional connection – with good skills backed by informed knowledge.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

R.I.P. Candida Royalle (1950-2015)

R.I.P. Candida Royalle - Copy

Pioneering director of women-friendly porn films Candida Royalle died this past Monday, Sept. 7, 2015, at age 64. The former porn actress – whose real name is Candice Vadala – succumbed to the cumulative effects of ovarian cancer first diagnosed five years ago.

When I heard that my friend of 28 years had died, I was devastated. Candice was always so vibrant, creative, and beautiful in every sense!

She inscribed in her book How to Tell a Naked Man What to Do this way: “For Diana – My sister in all that’s fun and delicious!” And I wrote this blurb for her book: “For years, I have loaned Candida Royalle’s enlightening and exhilarating films to clients in search of a reliable orgasm … Candida’s sex life is fascinating – and she tells all!”

Her book was only a small portion of her contribution to sexology. Candida’s films helped thousands of people experience less shame and more enthusiasm about their sexuality!

I’m grateful for Candice’s contribution to sexology, and I’m so appreciative of our friendship!

I love her so much.

Diana Wiley

P.S. Click here to access a one-hour audio interview with Candida recorded on Dec. 3, 2013 on the subject of Sexuality and Cancer.

April Masini, author of “Date Out of Your League” — Sept. 8, 2015



April Masini and Dr. Diana enjoyed another provocative, informative conversation on the air. Go to so that you can see what a beautiful a woman she is! But, what makes her relationship advice website so successful is that she’s also very smart – in general and about relationships. Ask April is an interactive advice forum where over 20,000 original consumer relationship questions have been posted and answered. Topics for this program included: adding value to another’s life, changing one’s attitude in order to cure a fear of rejection, and aspects of attraction. April has authored four books, and Dr. Diana even has a chapter in one of them!


Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Susan Block, author of “The Bonobo Way” — Aug. 25, 2015

The Bonobo Way

Dr. Susan Block author of “THE BONOBO WAY – The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure” ( returned to the program. Dr. Suzy and Dr. Diana focused on the ways to release one’s inner bonobo. (Marilyn Monroe’s quote fits: “Sex is part of nature. I go along with nature.”) The author asks, What do these great apes know about sex, war and the rest of life that we don’t? The bonobos embrace sexual pleasure, and along the way exhibit bisexuality, female solidarity, deep compassion, curiosity, generosity, reciprocity, swinging, combining food with sex – infusing play into everything they do. It would seem that bonobos are really smart – yet sexy and fun! Part 1 of this show is archived, July 28th… and we will do a Part 3 very soon. Please listen and learn – Dr. Suzy is brilliant!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Bradley Coates, Esq., author of “Divorce with Decency” — Aug. 18, 2015


Bradley Coates, Esq., ( returned to the program. He is the author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY” – 4TH Edition. To wed or not to wed…the pros and the cons was the focus of the discussion. The best thing about Brad’s book is that its full of straight forward insights about the winds of social change. Brad and Dr. Diana discussed the cons of remarriage – including the fact that many remarry various versions of their former mate, not having done a good “emotional divorce.” Sex may be better in a remarriage in that folks are paying more attention. Sex is the second language of behavior and it’s important to pay attention to its message! We also explored the big question, “Does sex really make you happier?” Tune-in for some answers!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Stephanie Buehler, Founder of The Buehler Institute — Aug. 11, 2015

Dr. Stephanie Buehler

Dr. Stephanie Buehler psychologist, sex therapist and author – – and Dr. Diana spoke about what they’ve learned as Sex Therapists. Much of people’s dissatisfactions about sex come from misinformation, negative attitudes, anxiety, poor communication and unrealistic expectations. The Buehler Institute offers post-grad training programs for therapists who want training in sex therapy. Dr. Stephanie also spoke bout transgender health and Caitlyn Jenner – mentioning the excellent film by Dr. Mark Schoen “Trans” – Dr. Stephanie will soon be working with Hoag Hospital addressing pelvic pain issues for women and men. There is physical help from pelvic floor PT’s, but stress and mental anguish can contribute as well. The collaborative approach is so important!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):