Drs. Rob and Janelle Alex, hosts of “Mission Date Night” — Feb. 23, 2016

Rob-and-Janelle-Alex - Copy

Sexual Energy Experts – Doctors Rob and Janelle Alex – are mentoring couples around the world. They are best selling authors, speakers and hosts of the top-rated Mission Date Night podcast (www.missiondatenight.com). Dr. Diana interviewed Drs. Rob and Janelle about Sexy Secrets Behind Business. Your romantic relationship and your sex life have great impact on your business and your career whether it’s a conscious effort or not. When your romantic relationship and your sex life are thriving you’ll have more confidence, be more productive, tap into more creativity and feel happier on the whole. We also discussed Dr. Rob’s dissertation: Orgasmic Laughter: Sex and Humor are Unexpected Portals to the Universe. This couple really knows how to have a playfully passionate and sexy relationship! They are also amazing teachers. Part 2 on March 15th will focus on Merging Sexuality and Spirituality.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Charlie Glickman, author of “The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure” — Feb. 9, 2016


Dr. Charlie Glickman (www.MakeSexEasy.com) returned to the program. He is a sex and relationship coach, sex educator, and sexological bodyworker. Dr. Charlie and Caroline, a Tantra teacher, will do a workshop February 19th in Oakland, CA blending Tantra and BDSM. Techniques in both realms will be learned: exploring/playing out fantasies, quieting the mind, stillness, sacred-spot massages for both genders. We discussed how breath work can help men reduce anxiety – helping them to overcome PE and ED (go to Dr. Charlie’s website and blog – “Calming Breath Work”). Prostate pleasure…when is it time for a toy? To cum or not to cum? Tune in so that you’ll have more fun this Valentine’s Day!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Michael Jonas and Brad Coates discuss ROMANCE as we ramp up to Valentine’s Day — Feb. 2, 2016


Michael Jonas, co-creator of many romantic games – www.TimeforTwo.com – joined Dr. Diana for the first half-hour. The same free downloads were offered again: go to his website and get a copy of either Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date, using the code word Wiley. These games truly promote playful touch and supportive communication! To quote one enthusiastic user: “This game really helped us appreciate taking time to explore each other.”   Brad Coates, author of DIVORCE with DECENCY, knows a thing or two about the importance of romance. He joined the program for the second half. We enjoyed Michael’s quote: “Texting and Tweeting is not touching and talking!” Most people need emotional and physical intimacy where they can turn off the world and turn each other on. Many are touch deprived and they yearn to talk more! Shared time becomes essential the more complex our daily lives become. On Valentine’s Day – or any day – always choose love, always choose love, always choose love!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Sheri Winston, author of “Succulent SexCraft” — Jan. 26, 2016

Succulent Sex Craft (245 x 350)

Sheri Winston is a celebrated sexuality teacher, an award-winning author and a medical professional who brings over two decades of experience as a certified nurse-midwife and gynecology practitioner – plus another decade as a sex teacher to her work on sexuality, women’s health and relationships. Her FREE Webinar is tomorrow, January 27, 2016, and you may register at www.IntimateArtsCenter.com.  The focus is on the Secrets of Female Sexual Pleasure. Sheri and Dr. Diana spoke about many aspects of female sexuality and erotic energy. It turns out that the pleasure of living and the pleasure of orgasm are identical! Please tune-in for more insights about female sexuality. Her book “Succulent SexCraft” offers many fascinating details!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Michael Jonas, co-creator of “An Enchanting Evening” game

An Enchanting Evening

Michael Jonas and his wife Barbara were voted by PEOPLE magazine to be one of America’s Most Romantic Couples. They have created many games – games that ABC News proclaimed were love, laughter and romance…in a box. An Enchanting Evening was the first. For free downloads, go to www.TimeforTwo.com you’ll see that the shopping cart has been set  up so that you listeners can get a copy of either Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date.  Use the code word Wiley.  These games encourage playful touch and supportive communication! Dr. Diana and Michael Jonas focused on the question, “Are you too old for sex?” Part 2 on February 2, 2015, will deal more with romance as we get closer to Valentine’s Day.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health” — Jan. 12, 2016

Male Sexual Health

Dr. Dudley Danoff, MD, a world renowned urologist, returned to the show for his seventh time!   His book “The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health” – www.TheUltimateGuidetoMensHealth.com – is an amazing resource for men and for women! Dr. Danoff and Dr. Diana spoke about Tips for the New Year, sexually speaking. Our discussion included “Five Ways to Reinvigorate Your Sex Life.”  Changing the sexual practice or venue, giving yourself permission to try something new, paying attention to your body rhythms, not confining sex to nighttime, and looking at alternative sex practices. This is a stimulating, informative program. Please listen and get your 2016 sex life off to a brilliant start!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Lou Paget, author of “How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure” — Dec. 1, 2015


Lou Paget author of five books on sexuality was on the program again (www.LouPaget.com). Sex is something you do, sexuality is something you are… Dr. Diana and Lou partially sorted this out by delving into the clitoris and its role in female sexual arousal. The clitoris and its structure with all it erotic components were explored, including the crura. The vestibular bulbs under the outer labia grow and blossom when a woman is sexually aroused.  Sometimes the clit is considered the Emerald City of women’s orgasmic response.  If a woman is “spectatoring” – i.e., observing herself during sex, not in an erotic mirror-on-the ceiling sort of way, but in a judgmental critical way – she is less likely to be sexually satisfied and reach orgasm.  Mindfulness is a practice that may help! Kinsey in one of his books observed, “Cheese crumbs spread in front of a copulating pair of rats may distract the female, but not the male.” Lou and Diana enjoyed a lively discussion – including talking about Amy Schumer’s latest photo shoot. She is comfortable with her body—proclaiming, “I’m 155 pounds and can get laid any day!”

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Charlie Glickman, author of “The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure” — Nov. 24, 2015


Dr. Charlie Glickman (www.MakeSexEasy.com) is a sex and relationship coach, sex educator, and a sexological bodyworker – bringing to this program some fascinating areas for discussion. He and Dr. Diana looked at an important question: How do you reconnect with your pleasure?  Dr. Charlie offered some great tips for sexual communication: talk when you are not having sex; talk on a car ride or on a walk (not being face to face can be helpful); say what it is you want.  In general he advises: “Talking about sex is like preparing food…You have to get into the kitchen to give it a try.” Overcoming sexual shame was another topic. Guilt and shame are funny things…without them, some become sloppy and unmotivated. Yet with too much guilt and shame, folks can become at war with themselves. On his website, you will notice he offers a 30-minute consultation without cost. Part 2 will air on December 15, 2015, and we’ll discuss prostate pleasure (his book is The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure), open relationships, and BDSM. Tune in, please!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Mali Apple and Joe Dunn, authors of “The Soulmate Experience” — Nov. 17, 2016

Mali and Joe

Mali Apple and Joe Dunn are relationship coaches, lovers, best friends, and authors of award-winning books The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships – and the newly released sequel The Soulmate Lover: A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex and Intimacy. Dr. Diana and this dynamic couple discussed sexual healing…how couples can transform sexual concerns and challenges into deeper intimacy. Lingering issues from the past can impact the ability for vulnerability and reciprocity. For more, visit www.thesoulmateexperience.com where you can see Joe and Mali interacting on videos and get information about their books. They will return for Part 2 December 8th.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Lou Paget, author of “How to be a Great Lover” — Nov. 3, 2015


Lou Paget, a frequent guest, is the author of five books – www.LouPaget.com – which deliver information about sexuality and relationships with accuracy and fun! Dr. Diana and Lou reconnected recently in Seattle for a Program in Human Sexuality (PHS) where the University of Minnesota has established the first Chairs in Sexual Health headed up by Dr. Eli Coleman (www.sexualhealth.umn.edu). The meeting was organized by Dr. Pepper Schwartz, the AARP Ambassador for Relationships and Sexuality. Joycelyn Elders, MD, was the featured speaker. (She is an inspiration! Remember when she was hired and later fired by President Bill Clinton?) Lou and Dr. Diana also discussed aging and sexuality – and the health benefits of sex. There will be a Part 2 very soon!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):