April Masini, author of “Date Out of Your League” — May 24, 2016

April Masini

April Masini (www.AskApril.com) and Dr. Diana enjoyed another provocative, informative discussion – their first in 2016. The numbers alone confirm her popularity: the Ask April advice column and interactive relationship advice forum is where almost 26,000 questions have been posted and answered; she has 1.4 million Twitter followers and more than 620,000 Facebook fans. The conversation began with an article and April’s interview within it – “Staying hot for hubby is essential for a successful marriage.” This created a firestorm of controversy! Some responding women said, “Men should love women for who they are, as opposed to what they look like.” Why does it have to be either or? Men are usually more visual. We discussed the possibilities of being anti-feminist and perhaps old fashioned. April did another interview with the Wall Street Journal regarding the male/female roles in dating and who should pay for dates. The pursuit of sex model of dating is really what informs much of these dynamics. The conversations extended to self-acceptance as well as love and power. Tune-in for a fascinating 60 minutes!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Gail Scott, Certified Coach & Speaker — May 10, 2016

Gail Scott

Gail Scott, a certified Coach and speaker (www.GailScottInc.com) returned to the program. Her father’s molestation created much trauma, setting her on a journey for sexual healing.  Important steps involved learning about Tantric sexuality – exploring the body as a sacred temple, and doing more for herself (speaking up, slowing down) as she has continued to heal. Dr. Diana and Gail discussed how sex is the life energy that flows through the body and its energy centers (chakras) – heart, head, pelvis and so on. Partners can learn to channel this energy and ride it to maximum pleasure! This is an inspiring conversation. Tune in to learn more!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Marc Gilmartin, Sex Therapist — May 3, 2016

Marc Gilmartin

Marc Gilmartin (www.MarcGilmartin.com) has a unique specialization: working with adult men with sexual abuse histories, who may be erotically conflicted. The focus for this show was on porn literacy. We discussed: why call it porn; is it bad or good; is it sex education or entertainment; what does porn teach us? Dr. Diana and Marc talked about all of this and more! Porn may be a little like gun control – we should mainly be concerned with the state of mind of the guy pulling the trigger. If a man is feeling turned on, porn becomes a way of escaping from the relationship rather than just a harmless way to blow off some sexual steam.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Bradley Coates, Esq., author of “Divorce With Decency” — April 26, 2016


Brad Coates, author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY” (www.divorcewithdecency.com) knows a thing or two about romance. He has been a frequent guest on this show and today we focused on what women want…female needs, desires, and behavior in romantic relationships. His book states, “Women want to hear ‘I love you and I understand.’ A man wants to hear ‘That makes sense,’ indicating a linear thought process.” It  is really about your responsiveness to your partner’s emotions – and this responsiveness is what makes a relationship feel fair. Underlying this element is respect. Brad and I spoke about the trend that more single people are staying that way, not getting married. In fact, many more women are not re-marrying after a divorce. For those who do stay married and want help, I often talk about couples putting more play back into their relationship. Brad and I expanded on this idea – and more. Listen, please!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Carl Frankel, co-author of “Secrets of the Sex Masters” — April 12, 2016

Secrets of the Sex Masters

Role play and fantasy are two great ways to get closer to your partner. For one, they involve a certain degree of trust because opening up about a sexual fantasy can be scary. And with role play, you really have to be comfortable with another person to pretend to be someone else. Carl Frankel has a chapter in his book “Secrets of the Sex Masters” called “Fantasy, Role Play and Communication.” (www.CarlFrankel.com) Carl’s position is that no are no mind crimes; this led to a discussion about “bad” fantasies – as in unacceptable. Between a couple consent is the rule! This is where communication is so important…You may feel really vulnerable. Dr. Diana and Carl got off topic here and there: it was fun! Improv is great for anyone to do…Don’t negate your partner. Say Yes and. To quote Carl, “Fantasy and role play are wonderful personal growth opportunities if you embrace them in that spirit…Have fun with your fantasies and with the people you play with. Giggling is encouraged…but optional. ” I encourage you to listen to this wise, informative program!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Laura Corn, author of “101 Nights of Grrreat Sex” — April 5, 2016

Laura Corn - Copy

Laura Corn is the author of nine books – all interactive versions of “101 Nights of Grrreat Sex – Secret Sealed Seductions for Loving Couples” –  and have  sold millions of copies (www.101Nights.com or www.LauraCorn.com ). The interview is fascinating! Hers is a book you don’t read…rather, you do, and her erotic equation is: anticipation and creativity = great sex!  Laura also has a seductive APP through Apple. Dr. Diana and her guest discussed what that means. We also talked about the number one sexual complaint of couples; why couples may know how to spice up their relationship and still don’t do it. SEDUCTION is the key to a long term great sex life. Listen to this show! Laura will return soon for a Part 2.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health” — Mar. 29, 2016

Male Sexual Health

Dr. Dudley Danoff MD, a world renowned urologist, returned to the program for the eighth time (www.TheUltimateGuidetoMaleSexualHealth.com). For everything you’ve wanted to know about PREMATURE EJACULATION and ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION please listen to this show! Dr. Danoff and Dr. Diana discussed what’s “normal,” how to get checked, what helps, medications that may work, and the influence of stress/anxiety. The female partner may worry that her man no longer finds her attractive – or may be having an affair. Others become dissatisfied with the frequency or quality of their sex lives; so, sex becomes a stressor. As a result, some couples just avoid the subject – and the act – entirely. Dr. Danoff has been in practice for over 40 years; as a result, he has some excellent advice for PE, ED, as well as for relationships and communication! Listening to this program and getting his book could be life changing for your sexual relationship!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Gail Scott, Certified Coach & Speaker — Mar. 22, 2016

Gail Scott

Gail Scott, certified Coach and speaker (www.GailScottinc.com) is a brave and articulate woman! She was sexually wounded – and she demonstrates the need for sexual healing in her personal and professional life. Gail was molested by her father at age 9, continuing to intercourse at age 13, ending at age 16. Her sexual healing journey began in earnest at age 46 using a variety of healing modalities. Gail and Dr. Diana discussed these – including her need to forgive herself, dropping shame, guilt, and confusion around being a sexual woman. This is a person who has gone beyond “incest survivor (victim)” to someone who is more whole and sexually satisfied. Gail talks about previously going through life numbing out all emotions and feelings – while creating meaning in her life by giving to others. There is more in the details! Part 2 will be offered on May 15, 2016.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Drs. Rob and Janelle Alex, hosts of “Mission Date Night” — Mar. 15, 2016

Rob-and-Janelle-Alex - Copy

Doctors Rob and Janelle Alex, Sexual Energy Experts, returned to the program. They are bestselling authors, speakers and hosts of the top-rated Mission Date Night podcast (www.missiondatenight.com). The topic: Merging Sexuality and Spirituality. Theirs has been a journey, realizing that their sex life could be a sacred (or spiritual) experience – bringing them to transcendent lovemaking. Energy sex is at the heart…even energy orgasms which are not centered in the genitals. They can be waves of pleasure that sweep over the whole body! This kind of experience can be a true vacation from fight-and-flight. Not only is it good for your blood pressure and health, it’s like lying on a Hawaiian beach – with orgasms! Doctors Rob and Janelle have a metaphysical approach, in part. They believe you can open a connection to your spirit guides, the Universe, God/Goddess, your Higher Self by making love to your partner. There is so much more. Please tune in!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Sheri Winston, author of “Succulent SexCraft” — Mar. 1, 2016

Succulent Sex Craft (245 x 350)

Sheri Winston, a celebrated sexuality teacher, award-winning author and medical professional, returned to the program. She and Dr. Diana discussed getting in the mood. A woman’s desire requires engaging her mind and psyche as much as engorging her body parts. Mindfulness helps reconnect the mind with the body’s sensations. When women learn to connect bodily arousal and emotional pleasure, arousal is increased. Using a vibrator, looking at erotica, masturbating, or fantasizing about a great sexual experience can all help with getting in the mood! Sheri asks an important question: How much pleasure can I experience on the journey? Her website is www.IntimateArtsCenter.com where you will discover more about her sexuality trainings – and her book “Succulent Sex Craft.”

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):