Ross Rosenberg, author of “The Human Magnet Syndrome” — Dec. 6, 2016

Human Magnet Syndrome

Ross Rosenberg returned to the show – this time with even more passion about narcissism in light of the recent election. His best-selling book “The Human Magnet Syndrome: Why We Love People Who Hurt Us”  ( explains why patient, giving, and selfless individuals (codependents) are predictably attracted to selfish, self-centered partners (pathological narcissists). Our President-Elect, Donald Trump, almost certainly suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Ross Rosenberg spoke eloquently as a clinician and as an author about the many kinds of narcissism. A key feature of NPD is a sense of entitlement; we are already seeing that Trump will not respect the traditional boundaries of the office. The rules don’t apply to him. He desires even more wealth and power because it fills a void. Ross had so many brilliant observations! Please listen to the show.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Veronica Monet, Certified Sex Educator and Sexologist — Nov. 22, 2016



For many, sex becomes less like the fourth of July and more like Thanksgiving. Veronica Monet returned to the program to help keep those fireworks popping! She is a Relationship Coach – – but from 1989 to 2004 she worked as a high-end escort catering wealthy businessmen. Dr. Diana and Veronica discussed what she learned about men while working as an escort; for example, men wanted to feel special, often preferring conversation to sexual activities. Men do want more cuddling, kissing, and physical affection. Both men and women want love and sex. Some men pretend to be macho, but under the right conditions both men and women admit to being more complex than the stereotypes would have it. Tune in for a provocative discussion!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Veronica Monet, Certified Sex Educator and Sexologist — Nov. 15, 2016


In these sex-negative times, being a sexologist leads to a certain amount of frustration, sadness, and anger. The remedy, and my perfect guest, is Veronica Monet! She is an outspoken advocate for sexual self-determination – – and has been a guest on many major media including CNN, FOX News and the New York Times. Her coaching clients benefit from a potent combination of her training as a Certified Sexologist and Anger Specialist. Her deep empathy comes from much personal work on her own sexual abuse. Dr. Diana and Veronica discussed the challenges of celebrating sexuality in the face of having experienced sexual harassment, abuse, and even rape. What steps can sexual abuse survivors take to feel safe while a self-admitted sexual predator is headed for the White House? In our culture, sexual pleasure is still a dangerous commodity with dangerous overtones. It might be the first thing we toss overboard during life’s various storms. We might forget that it’s as much a part of us as the need to eat and breathe. Veronica has a message of hope for those who may feel their sexual freedoms are at risk.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx one hour):

Nikki Leigh, Certified Master Sexpert and and Love Coach — Nov. 1, 2016


Nikki Leigh, a certified Master Sexpert and Love Coach, guested for Part 2. This time we spoke of Learning to Love Yourself ( Preparing for the journey requires looking at the beliefs that are fueling obsessions – or, really, relationships to the self, families, and one’s life. Core beliefs like “I’m damaged; I don’t deserve this; love is not for me,” etc. suggest that people don’t really want to look. Too many believe that the way to get there is by judging and shaming and hating oneself. Nikki knows and teaches that the path from obsession to feelings to presence is not about healing  our “wounded child” or about feeling every bit of rage or grief we ever felt so that we can be happy. She offers an online course that will help: “Learn to Love, Accept, and Respect Yourself.” When you evoke curiosity and openness with a lack of judgement, you will align yourself with beauty and delight and love. Pleasure is a much better place to grow from!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Nikki Leigh, Certified Master Sexpert and and Love Coach — Oct. 25, 2016


Nikki Leigh is a certified Master Sexpert and a Certified Love Coach – certified by Dr. Ava Cadell’s LOVEOLOGY U. ( Nikki is the host and producer of Ready for Love radio on New Visions Radio Network ( A big mission for Nikki is helping women with strict, religious backgrounds who feel they can’t or shouldn’t enjoy sex and pleasure. Often religion can be used as a force of oppression; indeed, the Bible has many negative things to say about women and sex. Nikki’s upbringing included such messages…about how women are subservient to men and masturbation is really, really bad. Many religious women feel guilty about enjoying themselves – consequently, they may have trouble truly letting go, surrendering to orgasm. “The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety forms the basis of the general fear of life.” ~ Wilhelm Reich. Orgasm is a product of a sexually healthy lifestyle and sexual health is derived from positive sex education!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Carl Frankel, co-author of “Secrets of the Sex Masters” — Oct. 11, 2016

Secrets of the Sex Masters

Carl Frankel – – and Dr. Diana began the show with a discussion of Donald Trump, sex and boundaries. Here’s an example: A 17-year-old who has been volunteering for the Trump campaign was explaining that Trump’s comments weren’t predatory because they let him do it because he’s a star, and that is a form of consent. Anderson Cooper sought to determine Trump’s ability to mentally process the charges against him. “You described kissing women without consent, grabbing their genitals. You bragged that you have sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that?” Of course, The Donald did not because he is not well in his head; he has a personality disorder. Carl Frankel has many wise things to say about boundaries. How does one avoid violating boundaries? Check-in (“May I?”), and frame opinions as opinions, not as truths. Clear communication around boundaries are necessary in dating, in committed relationships, in BDSM, and in threesomes – to mention only four areas. Please tune in for stimulating talk! Carl’s book is Secrets of the Sex Masters.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Sheri Winston, author of “Succulent Sex Craft” — Oct. 4, 2016


Sheri Winston, author of Succulent Sex – returned to the program. She is witty, wise, uninhibited! Dr. Diana and Sheri had another discussion that was sexually frank and exuberant. Last week in the name of Partner Pleasure, we discussed communication, touch, settings, and dealing with challenges. This week the themes were positivity, fun, orgasms – as well as how to create and then play inside a “conjoined erotic trance.” The experience of orgasm often feels like a burst of pleasure, bliss, emotional and physical release because the amygdala, the fear center of the brain, has taken a nap. A woman needs to feel safe with her man. “Sex pleasure in women is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken.” –   Simone de Beauvoir. Sheri explains how she and her partner “run the highlights reel” after lovemaking as a way to lovingly process the experience. They also practice “changing the channel” if something is amiss and they want, with no blame, to change to something that would be more satisfying. Energy sex, which can lead to the “conjoined erotic trance,” allows couples to take a vacation from fight-and-flight. Not only is it good for your overall health, it’s like lying on a Hawaiian beach – with orgasms!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Sheri Winston, author of “Succulent Sex Craft” — Sept. 27, 2016

Succulent Sex Craft (245 x 350)

Sheri Winston has written Succulent Sex Craft – a book that can help supercharge your erotic life!  Dr. Diana and Sheri discussed her upcoming online class Secrets of Partner Pleasure.  Skillful communication in the bedroom is necessary… and difficult for many. The types and levels of touch: nurturing, therapeutic, sensual, and sexual. Oxytocin is released during interpersonal touch – promoting a feeling of calmness, pleasantness, and mild euphoria. For greater partner pleasure and romance, “set and setting” is essential! Challenges, including anxiety, can arise. Sheri has suggestions for dealing with these, including relaxation exercises. Tune in for inspiration!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Patricia Lorenz, author of “57 Steps to Paradise — Finding Love in Midlife and Beyond” — Sept. 20, 2016


Patricia Lorenz is known internationally for her inspirational writing – including 75 stories in the Chicken Soup for the Soul books ( We discussed her most recent book “57 Steps to ParadiseFinding Love in Midlife and Beyond.” This program is intended for everyone looking for love – whatever your age, background, dating history, or sexual preferences. Patricia’s book will help you navigate the process. She provides a heap of wit and wisdom to help your make life-changing decisions. This is a woman who has cherished her struggles, making her strong and resilient. Patricia’s advice: Keep your options open and do it! Don’t give up. Listen for more inspiration!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Lori Buckley, author of “21 Decisions for Great Sex & A Happy Relationship” — Sept. 13, 2016

Lori Buckley

Dr. Lori Buckley – – returned to the program. Her book is “21 Decisions for Great Sex & A Happy Relationship,” available on Amazon. For this show edition we did not talk about sex, which is unusual for us – as friends and colleagues! We spoke about loss: the ending of a relationship – whether through death, divorce, or the ending of a committed, romantic coupleship. Dr. Lori lost her partner Alan six months ago in a traffic accident. Dr. Diana’s late husband Charlie died a number of years ago of a heart attack – one that was totally unexpected.  Dr. Lori’s healing journey has been profound, transforming; what she knows for sure is “Cherish every moment!” Don’t just say Carpe diem, but declare Carpe vitam – seize the life! Both of us are now familiar with grief – personally and clinically. Leaning toward – not away – from the pain will help you heal. To lean toward the pain, when you are feeling bad, stop and allow yourself to feel the emotion by talking to someone or writing about it. Sadness makes you more rational, your thinking more concrete. Accepting sadness can, ironically , lower depression. While you never look for grief, it’s one of the hugest growing experiences you’ll ever have. It deepens you as a human being. Please listen to this show. Dr. Lori is especially articulate and passionate! You can benefit from the wisdom gleaned.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):