Dr. Mitchell Tepper & Dr. Mark Schoen, “Making Love After Making War” — Mar. 7, 2017

Making Love After Making War

Have you heard? More than just a feeling, LOVE is action. Two men taking action are Dr. Mitchell Tepper (www.DrMitchellTepper.com) and Dr. Mark Schoen (www.SexSmartFilms.com). Their labor of love is a collaborative documentary “Making Love after Making War” – a work still in progress. To help with the effort, please go to www.LoveAfterWar.org to sign up for the newsletter and to consider donating. Our vets are heroes, sometimes returning with catastrophic injuries resulting in PTSD, and intimacy/sexual problems – issues that are often ignored. Sadly, the suicide rate is huge. Our vets need counseling, they need more information. Emotional, sexual intimacy, and conceiving a child are often difficulties facing couples after war. We need to team up to help our injured vets rediscover life filled with passion, purpose, and pleasure!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Mitchell Tepper, author of “Regain that Feeling: Secrets to Sexual Self-Discovery” — Feb. 21, 2017

Mitchell Tepper

Sexuality and disabilities are not addressed or explored enough. Dr. Mitchell Tepper (www.DrMitchellTepper.com) reports that he “dove head first into the field” because of a diving accident years ago, breaking his neck. Since then he has become an internationally recognized sexuality educator, disability expert, and pioneer in spinal cord research and orgasm. His book Regain that Feeling: Secrets to Sexual Self-Discovery reveals that you don’t have to break your neck to be a great lover but you can learn a lot from someone who has. He has identified the importance of trust, safety, and connectedness. Pleasure is not merely a physical sensation, orgasm does not happen just between your legs, intimate connection fuels desire, and love is an action, not a feeling. Dr. Mitch does coaching via the phone or Skype in all parts of the world – not only for vets but for men and women who were born with or acquired disabilities. His contact information and ways to buy his book are on his website. Furthermore, by going to www.SexSmartFilms.com you can see him in other videos demonstrating tantra, ED, facilitated sex, and using touch via pleasure maps. In today’s program, there is much information – even for those of us who are able-bodied! The upcoming show on March 7th will explore in more depth “Making Love after Making War.” Please tune-in!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Barbara and Michael Jonas, creators of “An Enchanted Evening” — Feb. 14, 2017

An Enchanting Evening

The perfect guests for this Valentine’s Day: Barbara and Michael Jonas, voted by PEOPLE magazine to be one of America’s Most Romantic Couples. They have created many romantic games – the first one and star is An Enchanting Evening. For free downloads go to www.TimeforTwo.com, go to downloadable games, choose one and put it in the shopping cart using the code Wiley (until the end of this month). These games encourage playful touch and supportive communication. You are giving your partner the gift of time…slow down…play the game. One female player said, “It’s porn for women!” Most people need emotional and physical intimacy where they can turn off the world and turn each other on. On this V-Day, always choose love, always choose love! You will be inspired if you listen to this show.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Bradley Coates, Esq., author of “Divorce with Decency” — Feb. 7, 2017


“I was not against marriage. I believed in it, in fact. It was necessary to have one best friend in a hostile world…yet what about all those other longings which after a while, marriage did nothing much to appease?” – Fear of Flying, Erica Jong.  Once again Brad Coates (www.CoatesandFrey.com) joined the program. He is a man who knows much about marriage and divorce, the author of Divorce With Decency – Fourth Edition. This book has some fascinating statistics – including that we’re in a marriage slump. Fewer Americans are married today, largely because fewer young people are tying the knot. And, from Brad’s book: “There has been more than a 30% drop in the marriage rate since 1970…Thirty-six percent of women surveyed said they would not marry their same husbands again, whereas only 12 percent of married men admitted they had picked the wrong wife…Forty percent of all couples are estimated to be simply coexisting in unhappy marriages.” Women in Brad’s office complain about a lack of communication, and men often have a women in the wings (an affair). Yes, there is the sex part. The Canadian researchers who analyzed data from three different studies found that sex played an even bigger role than money in happiness. Tune in to discover the details!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Linda De Villers, author of “Love Skills” and “Simple Sexy Food” — Jan. 31, 2017

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Dr. Linda De Villers returned. She is the author of Love Skills – A Fun, Upbeat Guide to Sex-cessful Relationships and Simple Sexy Food – 101 Tasty Aphrodisiac Recipes and Sensual Tips to Stir Your Libido and Feed Your Love. Both books can be found on www.DrLindaDeVillers.com – actually, perfect for St. Valentine’s Day coming up! Dr. Diana and Dr. Linda discussed gay and lesbian relationships – included in her 6th Edition of Love Skills. The LGBT civil rights movement has communicated there are different ways to be sexual and intimate. Dr. Linda’s book Love Skills points out that gay men can be competitive in exercising with a partner, and that some lesbian women have experienced sexual abuse. The reaction can be this: put on weight to protect oneself. Ramping up to V-Day, the docs spoke about kissing. Being a great kisser – mastering those lingering, luxuriant lip-locks can boost the frequency and quality of your bedroom action, studies suggest. The frequency of a couple’s kissing has implications about issues like abandonment, divorce, and infidelity. If you are kissing frequently, it telegraphs commitment. Dr. Linda’s book Simple Sexy Food understands that food and sex are inextricably linked. We use the same senses at the table to measure a great meal as we do to appreciate a fine time in bed – the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth, and tactile sensations. Great food is like great sex…both can evoke ecstatic pleasure! You’ll find some great V-Day inspirations!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Rebecca Gould, author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Diet” — Jan. 24, 2017

Rebecca Gould-2

Rebecca Gould, author of The Multi-Orgasmic Diet – Embrace Your Sexual Energy and Awaken Your Senses for a Healthier, Happier, Sexier You, returned to the program (www.TheMultiOrgasmicDiet.com). Rebecca and Dr. Diana  reviewed the question – What is the multi-orgasmic diet? We also sampled more questions, for example:  What struggles did Rebecca face that made her want to help other women in this way? One of those women, Nicole from Brooklyn, called in (in the process receiving a free book), asking about foods that might help her sexual relationship. Rebecca and I also discussed this: What would you tell women who have sexual trauma or feel sexually shut down? Another profound discussion:  How does one apply Rebecca’s wisdom to relating to others? Many questions and many answers…You’ll want to hear the program!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Linda De Villers, author of “Love Skills” — Jan. 17, 2017

LoveskillsCoverOrig -- 6th edition

Dr. Linda De Villers author of “Love Skills – A Fun, Upbeat Guide to Sex-cessful Relationships” returned. This is a wonderful book – providing step-by-step programs for sexual fun, adventure and growth! To get your own copy, go to www.DrLindaDeVillers.com. Dr Diana and Dr. Linda, friends and colleagues since 1991, discussed Dr. Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. Her graduate students appreciate Dr. De Viller’s Tips for Anxious Moments, and so will our listeners! Tune-in to learn more. Part 2 will broadcast January 31, 2017 – reflecting the fully revised 6th Edition of “Love Skills”: Gay and Lesbian relationships. We will also talk about her other book “Simple, Sexy Food.”

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Mark Schoen, Sex Smart Films — Jan. 10, 2017


Dr. Mark Schoen, a sex educator and a filmmaker, returned to the program. His website www.SexSmartFilms.com is the “Netflix of sex education” – and a sex educator’s dream come true! The most viewed videos – of the 430 films on the site – are the Sensate Focus Exercises, the Science of Orgasm, the True Story of How Babies are Made, the Science of Attraction, and TRANS (about transgendered folks dealing with discrimination and rejection). Under the Education category on the site is Disability. Dr. Mark has paired with Dr. Mitch Tepper to make the next documentary: “Making Love after War,” and the pilot can be viewed on SSF. We hear the story of Aaron and Kat, but these kinds of stories are heard over and over – according to the filmmaker. So much more needs to be done to help vets deal with injuries affecting their sexuality. Dr. Schoen and Dr. Tepper are helping this cause by making this film. They both will be on the program as they get closer to the conclusion. Tune in for a preview of these important concerns!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx.one hour):

Rebecca Gould, author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Diet” — Dec. 20, 2016


Rebecca Gould author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Diet – Embrace your sexual energy and awaken your senses for a healthier, happier, sexier you” – communicates so well the symbiotic relationship between living a full, rich, pleasure-filled life and a conscious, healthy relationship with food.  See more info about the book at TheMultiOrgasmicDiet.com. Dr. Diana and Rebecca discussed topics including: Why does a woman looking for a diet book need her book? The choices we make about what we put in our mouths are only stand-ins for the beliefs we carry in our minds and our hearts. We also talked about the struggles that Rebecca faced that made her want to help women in this way. She’ll return for a Part 2 on the January 17, 2017. Please listen to this show – and tune in on the 17th!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Mark Schoen, Sex Smart Films — Dec. 13, 2016

Version 3

Dr. Mark Schoen is a filmmaker and sex educator. His documentary “TRANS” portrays the transgendered dealing with discrimination and rejection. This is one topic in www.SexSmartFilms.com; others include aging, arousal, consent (really big now!), disability, female and male sexuality, gay and lesbian issues, masturbation, and sexual power play. The most viewed videos are: Sensate Focus Exercises, the Science of Orgasm, the True Story of How Babies are Made, the Science of Attraction, and TRANS. Mark has 430 films from 50 different countries. Watching a film and then processing it with a lover/friend/partner is important. We learn visually; therefore, new techniques and sexual approaches often improve. Sexual desire for the couple is often “jump-started” when they view sex-positive and excited couples performing in these adult videos. Dr. Mark will return January 10th to discuss his upcoming documentary “Making Love after War.” Go to www.loveafterwar.org – for a preview!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):