Ageless Living Expo Appearance on March 1, 2014

Diana Wiley and Michael Forbes

Dr. Diana shares the stage with Michael Forbes, organizer of the Ageless Living Expo and Gala on March 1, 2014 in Victoria, British Columbia. Earlier in the day Dr. Diana spoke to attendees about the health benefits of maintaining an active sex life well into one’s senior citizen years. The expo was followed by an evening gala featuring a dancing competition and live music by Kuba Oms, a Victoria-based recording artist, who premiered the song Sex is Good from his newly released album entitled “ADHD.”

On the Friday before the Expo, Dr. Diana was interviewed on CBC radio in Victoria on the “All Points West” program with Jo-Ann Roberts. Click here to listen to a recording of the interview (approx. 9 minutes).

Solo show with Dr. Diana Wiley — Feb. 25, 2014


In this show I cover some areas of concern, typical questions I receive in my practice. Over a span of 30-plus years, these include mismatched desire, questions about sexual medicine, body-image, sensate focus homework, sex toys, spiritual dimensions of sexuality, and sexual health benefits. Sex therapy is often necessary. As a therapist, I want to see my clients restore emotional and physical intimacy to reach their full sexual potential. Indeed, sex matters!

Click here to listen to the show (approx. one hour).

Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “Penis Power” — Feb. 18, 2014


Dr. Dudley Danoff, world renowned Urologist, and Dr. Diana discussed his latest book Penis Power: The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health. For years he has helped couples achieve emotional intimacy and physical satisfaction – all the while addressing the complexity and mystery of male anatomy, as well as the fears and fiction of men and women alike. Some prefer denying pleasure – rather than discussing delicate and embarrassing issues. This program was a forum for talking about many of those issues. Here’s a quote from Penis Power: “Keep in mind that personality and penis traits are fundamentally connected. If you are someone who desires to become not only a great person but also a great lover, you must be willing to confront yourself and address aspects of your personality that may be holding you back from emotional and sexual happiness.” Dr. Danoff is a wise and skilled man and Urologist! Please look at this website You’ll want to get his book, for sure!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).

Dr. Diana to Speak at Health Expo in Victoria B.C. on March 1, 2014

Ageless Living Expo

Dr. Diana will be appearing at the Ageless Living Expo in Victoria, BC, on Saturday March 1, 2014. Explore the exhibits at the Health Expo from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Crystal Gardens in downtown Victoria, and join Dr. Diana for a one-hour talk at the Speakers Corner during the afternoon. Attend the Evening Gala starting at 5:00 pm that includes a gourmet dinner catered by the Fairmont Empress Hotel, a celebrity ballroom dancing competition, a pop music concert with Kuba  Oms, and a Vegas style casino, silent auction, and raffle, with the proceeds benefitting the Canadian Diabetes Association.


Dr. Serena McKenzie, N.D. — Feb. 11, 2014


Dr. Serena McKenzie, N.D. is the Director for Whole Life Medicine — Balancing Health for the Body and Beyond –  Dr. Diana is the sex therapist on staff, and the two have collaborated for over four years. Dr. Serena is a sexual medicine expert; therefore, a perfect pre-Valentine guest to discuss the SCIENCE of LOVE. New research can teach us about romance and how to make it last. With MRIs, brains are viewed. There is the power of chemistry – the interplay of hormones and neurotransmitters – and we call this love. Four compounds – dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin, and serotonin – are especially critical. Dr. Diana and Dr. Serena discussed how people might be “addicted” to love, why there might be an obsessing component, why there is an urge to merge. Couples may need to sort out their particular relationship structure, eroticizing what is real, what is authentic. Scents and sensibility: what about ovulating women, what about birth control pills, what about kissing? Love that lasts: what may be present for some very fortunate couples?  Everyone might talk about how romance fades after the honeymoon – and that isn’t necessarily true. The Docs explored these issues and more. Please listen to this informative show, and if you have a Valentine, make the most of it!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).


Michael Castleman, author of “Great Sex” — Feb. 4, 2014

Great Sex book cover (angled)

For over 30 years Michael Castleman has been a sex educator, counselor, journalist, and author. He returned to Dr. Diana’s program so that they could discuss a man’s guide to advanced lovemaking, better erections without drugs, and mismatched desire – all topics on his wonderful website This is a resource for people of all ages, and its information is accurate, up-to-date, and written in an engaging style. His most recent book “GREAT SEXA MAN’S GUIDE TO THE SECRET PRINCIPLES OF TOTAL-BODY SEX” is updated often in his E-Book, available on the website.  Sex is PLAY, and when the focus is on leisurely, playful, whole-body sensuality – the lovemaking is more satisfying. Women need the warm-up; otherwise, there is often a grim, forced march to intercourse. This is not fun! The appropriate analogy here is that men are like microwaves and women are more like crockpots. Get-away sex may  be more sensational because the couple can stay in the present, not thinking about home-related issues. Michael Castleman will return for Part II March 11th.

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).

Howie Gordon, author of “Hindsight” — Jan. 28, 2014

Sensual Escape

Howie Gordon, aka Richard Pacheco, is a delectable fusion: Mark Twain meets Don Juan – indeed, he has brains and balls! He and Dr. Diana discussed his memoir “HINDSIGHT: TRUE LOVE & MISCHIEF IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF PORN,” and one of his many outstanding movies “SENSUAL ESCAPE – An erotic journey into the senses.”  He and Nina Hartley starred in this Candida Royalle/ Gloria Leonard film. Many things set Howie apart as the porn actor Richard Pacheco…He was not the Big Dick star; instead he was capable of playing characters, often amusing ones with a twinkle. In fact, he’s a fine actor. And, he can and does open an underground world of sexual secrets! It helps that this man is in touch with his emotions, and can tell stories from a life of delicious excesses combined with soulful insights. If you buy his book, you’ll get the full story: or on Amazon.

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).

Dr. Robert Dunlap reviews the World Congress on Sexology — Jan. 14, 2014

2014-01-14 -- (Robert Dunlap) -- 21st congress WAS

Dr. Robert Dunlap returned to the program, giving news from the WORLD CONGRESS of SEXOLOGY – the 21st Congress of World Sexual Health held in Brazil. A huge focus for this conference was brain science and sexuality. Here’s just one example: Why are men so ready to have sex? The preoptic area of the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that makes men and women feel turned on, is 2.5 times bigger in guys and contains twice as many cells. But women need to feel comfortable and safe before the hypothalamus sends out sexually ready signals. Another trend for the WAS conference was the increasing popularity of BDSM. Dr. Dunlap has chronicled the practice of BDSM, interviewing hundreds of fetishists for his 2001 film “Beyond Vanilla.” He spoke about how the practice demands strict rules of safety – and that play is negotiated all along the way. “Fifty Shades of Grey” has influenced the world in varying degrees. Men spend most of their lives being in control; so, it can be exciting to surrender to a woman who knows how to take charge. Dr. Diana and Dr. Robert also talked about why China is supporting polyamory – and the new studies in male circumcision. For more information go to and

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).

Dr. Lori Buckley, author of “21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy Relationship” — Jan. 7, 2014

Lori Buckley book - CopyDr. Lori Buckley returned to the show for Part 2 (Part 1 was 12/17/13). Dr. Diana and Dr. Lori spoke about Chapter 10 in her book 21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy Relationship namely: “TRY NEW STUFF.” How appropriate for the new year! What can we do better this year for our relationship and our sex lives? To quote Dr, Lori: “…to have a hot and happy sex life (we need) sexual creativity…adding variety and fun into your sex life.” Turning on your senses is also worthwhile in 2014! There are lots of fun action steps here! Please listen for great inspiration!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).

Dr. Lori Buckley, author of “21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy Relationship” — Dec. 17, 2013

Lori Buckley book - Copy

Dr. Lori Buckley is a licensed psychologist, an AASECT certified sex therapist, and a long-time friend and colleague of Dr. Diana’s. She and Dr. Lori discussed her recent book 21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy RelationshipThis book is concise, articulate, and helpful with its “action steps.” The inspiration that got Dr. Lori going was Eleanor Roosevelt’s suggestion, “Do one thing a day that scares you. ” We spoke about decisions and questions to ask: Is this realistic? Can I commit to this for at least three months? Is there anything that will stop me from doing this? Decisions for great sex include cherishing your partner, having fun, talking more about sex. The book explains these subjects – and we elaborated. Please visit for more information – including how to buy her amazing book! There will be a Part 2 early in 2014.

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour).