Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “Penis Power” — Sept. 16, 2014



Dr. Dudley Danoff, world renowned urologist, founder and President of Cedars-Sinai Tower Urology in Los Angeles, returned to the program to further unzip the secrets of male sexual health and power. His book PENIS POWERThe Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Healthwww.PenisPowerBook.com – banishes stress from the bedroom and makes sex fun again! Dr. Danoff and Dr. Diana took a long, hard look at the wonderful world of penises. They covered many topics – including sex and the brain; the superpotent man; ED in a younger man; PE and performance anxiety; the “suck job” and why it helps a man with arousal; prostate cancer and interventions post surgery for men still experiencing incontinence and impotence. Many facts of our lives can’t be changed – your penis is what it is…but, it’s never too late to change your sexual story. Take charge of it, using facts to create something you like. Re the latter, get Dr. Danoff’s book!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Ross Rosenberg, author of “The Human Magnet Syndrome” — August 26, 2014

Human Magnet Syndrome

Ross Rosenberg and Dr. Diana spoke about codependents and emotional manipulators – otherwise known as narcissists. His book “The Human Magnet Syndrome: Why We Love People Who Hurt Us” describes these dynamics in detail.  www.TheHumanMagnetSyndrome.com  Love, sex and relationships can go sideways because giving, selfless individuals (codependents) are often drawn to self-centered, controlling partners (emotional manipulators). Perhaps one of the saddest aspects of these “magnetic” connections is that it acts as a barrier to true pleasure in nearly every area of life.

Click below to listen to the interview (Approx. one hour):

Dr. Stephanie Buehler, author of “A Heart-Pounding Guide to Passionate Sex” — August 19, 2014

A Heart-Pounding Guide to Passionate Sex, by Stephani Buehler -- medium

Dr. Stephanie Buehler (www.TheBuehlerInstitute.com) is an internationally recognized expert in sex and relationship therapy. Through the media, including articles to educate on making sex lives better, Dr. B. addresses common problems like mismatched desire or difficult problems like sexual pain. The latter was the focus for this program. Both Dr. Stephanie and Dr. Diana have experience with female clients expressing similar themes: unconsummated relationships on the verge of unraveling, fears about bearing children, and feelings of pain, shame, and confusion associated with sexual pain. Both doctors explored these questions: Are there conditions that cause sexual pain? How do these problems affect a woman and her relationship? How is the male partner specifically affected? What are treatments for sexual pain? Since Dr. Stephanie also deals with sex and cancer, there was some discussion about this complicated arena. In our culture, sexual pleasure can have dangerous overtones. It may be the first thing we toss overboard during life’s various storms. We may need to remember that our sexuality is at our core…as important as the need to eat and breathe!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

April Masini, author of “Date Out of Your League” — July 29, 2014

April Masini

April Masini – www.AskApril.com – returned to the program. April is an advice columnist where over 20,000 original relationship questions have been posted and answered. She is also an author: “Date Out of Your League” for men; “Think & Date Like a Man,” for women; “50 First Dates”; and “The Next 50 Dates.” Because she gets many questions from singles, April and Dr. Diana focused on some of their issues. For example, How do I get out of the “friend zone”? Her piece for YAHOO Personals “Why Nice Guys Finish Last” was referenced…The nice guy may care too much, too soon. The woman is not going to value him anymore than he values himself. Online dating, its ups and its downs were examined – along with tips for improving the process! If there is too much emotional baggage of fear, anxiety or mental conflicts, it is clear: online dating does not heal emotional pains. Psychotherapy may be necessary. Look for someone who has already done some inner work. April and Dr. Diana agreed that seeking a mate whose values and background echo your own is wise. April will return soon!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Paul Joannides, author of “Guide to Getting It On” — July 22, 2014

Guide to Getting It On

Dr. Paul Joannides is the author of “GUIDE to GETTING it ON,” which many say is the best sex guide available today. You can find out more about this fabulous sex education book, now in its 7th Edition, by going to www.guide2getting.com. Dr. Diana and Dr. Paul discussed what is new in sex research – including the fact that funding for pleasure is a real challenge. One of Dr. Paul’s best sex tips is for couples to listen to each other. The porn model makes this and some sexual behaviors difficult. The women and orgasms topic included the fact that the more orgasms you have, the more orgasms you’re likely to have in the future. Dr. Paul pointed out that women need to feel safe to reach orgasm…that a requirement is a harm reduction mentality. Both genders need a proper sex education and opportunity to practice so that there is a synergy of mind, body and spirit to release this very unique experience! Dr. Paul’s tip on touch is important: “Some people struggle to get fully into their bodies. Some have trouble relaxing enough to enjoy what is being shared with them sexually. Learning to massage and being massaged might help your body put down its armor.” Listening to this program could make a big difference for your intimacy! Next time Dr. Paul returns, there will be a conversation about erectile dysfunction.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Lori Buckley, author of “21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy Relationship” — July 8, 2014

Lori Buckley

Dr. Lori Buckley – www.DrLoriBuckley.com – returned to the show. This time the focus was on relighting fires in a relationship, no matter the ages. Dr. Lori’s book is “21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy Relationship” and can be purchased on AMAZON. A big decision is to keep going! First, have the conversation with your partner, go places and do things you’ve never done before, and then consciously bring into the relationship more romance. “Date nights” are useful where couples talk about each other, not the kids. Older people in relationships have more confidence – and this can be very romantic. Dr. Lori and Dr. Diana both narrated a sex education video “GREAT SEX for a LIFETIME” – www.BetterSex.com – and viewing volumes 1 & 2 can launch conversations. Older sexuality can be thrilling! Here there may be two experienced people who have a past, yet everything is still possible!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Linda De Villers, author of “Love Skills” — July 1, 2014

Linda-De Villers-240x300

Dr. Linda De Villers author of “Love Skills – A Fun, Upbeat Guide to Sex-cessful Reltionships” and Dr. Diana discussed more about her book. This time they spoke about body-image: sometimes it’s self-image neurosis – a way to avoid being sexual, an excuse not to abandon yourself to another. The Exercises in her book can really help with these issues. And, exercising and dancing together can also help! The two Sex Docs went on to shopping with your partner. Dr. Linda appreciates the versatility and beauty of the sarong – which is covering but flowing, and easy to flick off! Sexy lingerie and dressing for sex were discussed. PLAY, be silly, don’t take yourself so damn seriously. Laugh and make each other laugh! Humor has detoxifying and defusing abilities that go a long way toward keeping relationships intact. Her book can be found on www.LoveSkills.com. Check it out!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Linda De Villers, author of “Love Skills” — June 17, 2014


Dr. Linda De Villers author of “Love Skills – A Fun, Upbeat Guide to Sex-cessful Relationships” returned to the program. This is a wonderful book – providing step-by-step programs for sexual fun, adventure and growth! To get your own copy, go to www.LoveSkills.com. We all have the potential to be sexually free, to satisfy ourselves and our partners, and to reach pinnacles of sexual joy. Dr. Linda helped sort this out in her discussion with Dr. Diana regarding Love Talk (vertical and horizontal), Love Touch (focusing on hands, feet, and face), and Tips for Anxious Moments. Fortunately, Dr. Linda will return to “Love, Lust, and Laughter” July 1, 2014 for more sex talk – so that you can ramp up your sexual confidence!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Fiona Fina, author of “B.I.T.C.H – Babe in Total Control of Herself ” — June 10, 2014


Fiona Fine, a self-glorified goddess and dating expert, returned to the show. She is offering a free copy of her book B.I.T.C.H.: go to www.BabeInTotalControlofHerself.com. Fiona decided to put pleasure back into her existence and start living life purely on her own terms. She began her journey with PRN’s own Dr. Gary Null and went on to Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts. Dr. Diana and Fiona discussed how women self-sabotage their love and sex lives; personal examples were offered. Dating and relationships included topics covered in her book: five things men look for in women, rules that are meant to be broken, and picky vs. discriminating. If you want to date and have a relationship with a terrific person, you must start by being a terrific person yourself. Life choices and self-improvement can open us to the potential bounty of our lives!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Lou Paget Discusses “Sex in the News” — May 27, 2014


Lou Paget – www.LouPaget.com – is an AASECT Certified Sex Educator, an international best selling author of five books, translated into 28 languages, and an in-demand international speaker. Lou’s mission is to provide enlightened and inspired content about sexuality and intimacy, and as GQ magazine put it: “Lou Paget has become a one-woman, sexual revival.” Dr. Diana and Lou discussed Sex in the News: 1. Famous Nude Paintings Updated to Fit Today’s Beauty Standards – (How does a woman’s image of her body affect her sexuality – and her relationship with her partner?); 2. Monica Lewinsky Steps Back in Public after 10 Years.  She ponders, “How do I find and give purpose to my past?” Monica now wants to get involved with efforts on behalf of victims suffering from online humiliation and harassment, and to start speaking on this topic in public forums; 3. The Killings in Santa Barbara. Was it just about his virginity? Probably not. This was a provocative, timely show. Please listen!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):