Carol Queen, author of “The Sex & Pleasure Book” — Sept. 26, 2017

Sex and Pleasure Book

Dr. Carol Queen ( and  observes in her The Sex & Pleasure Book – Good Vibrations Guide to Great Sex for Everyone: “Most of us weren’t given an operating manual for our wonderful bodies and the myriad sensations we can experience with them…especially not in sex education…Can you imagine if Driver’s Ed consisted of a teacher saying, ‘Now here’s a car: Now don’t drive it!’” Dr. Diana and Dr. Carol had a lively discussion around being sex-positive, sexual orientation issues, and transgender identities. Why has the term sex positivity come to be misunderstood in so many circles? What about sexual orientation and its fluidity? In her book is great advice/resources for transgender folks and the parents of trans kids. Sex can be a way of working through fears and crises, as well as a place for growth, forgiveness, fun, and friendship!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Joan Price, author of “The Ultimate Guide to Sex After 50” — Sept. 19, 2017

Joan Price, The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Fifty

Joan Price ( is on a mission to dispel the myth that older people are not interested in sex! In her books, talks, and webinars she suggests how folks can reclaim their sexuality. Joan has written The Ultimate Guide to Sex After 50, Better Than I Expected – Straight Talk about Sex after Sixty, Naked at Our Age, and Ageless Erotica. Two days ago Dr. Diana heard Joan speak at Catalystcon in L.A. where she was especially impressed with these topics: Expanding What Sex Is; Explore and Celebrate Sexual Pleasure; Enjoy Orgasms – With or Without a Partner; and Responsive Desire. The conversation was enlightening! You can listen to the podcast and you can sign up for one of Joan’s webinars. If you email her at and put “Diana Wiley” in the subject line, you will receive links to her  webinar topics, receiving a special offer for a 90-minute webinar of your choice for $35.00 (instead of the usual price of $49.00). There are five to choose from: 7 Steps to Reclaiming your Sexual Pleasure; Sex Toys for Seniors; Great Sex without Penetration; 12 Steps to Sexy Aging – Starting Now; and How the Heck Do I Date at This Age? Joan Price provides a wealth of information regarding sexuality at any age!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce, teacher of Conscious Living Sexuality — Aug. 29, 2017

Nancy Sutton Pierce-2

Great sex is not about technique. It’s about integrating your head, heart and spirit with your genitals. Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce ( returned to the program to help sort this out. On September 16th she will be a speaker at Catalystcon ( Her topic: “Sexy Doesn’t Have An Expiration Date.” Dr. Diana interviewed Dr. Nancy, covering the following topics: How do we define sexy and why is it even important? What happens to us when we don’t feel sexy? (Depression, health issues). She does some Myth Busting – namely, SEXY IS A LOOK OR SIZE; YOU CAN’T BE SEXY OVER 50; YOU CAN’T BE SEXY AND A GRANDMOTHER; IT’S NATURAL TO LOSE INTEREST IN BEING SEXY AS YOU AGE. Good sex is not about how your body looks or how you position it. It’s about your frame of mind and the emotional connection with your partner. Many older women are able to say what they want, no longer apologizing for their eroticism. The enjoyment of sex is then likely to be increased! Dr. Nancy also asks, “What advice would you give to your much younger self?” Perhaps it is that instead of getting someone to love you, you want to be someone capable of loving! Or maybe it is important to maintain your sense of separateness – not always doing everything together, and understanding that the central agent of eroticism is the imagination. You must be willing to take risks, to play! As we age, many of us hope for this: with any luck, a modicum of health, and a willingness to remain open to its potential, the deliciousness of sensual intimacy can continue right to the end.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Brad Coates, Esq., author of “Divorce with Decency” — Aug. 15, 2017

Divorce with Decency book cover, fifth ecition -- 51vPPajqv7L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Brad Coates ( knows all about marriages and divorce because he’s been a divorce lawyer in Honolulu, Hawaii for forty years. His popular book Divorce with Decency is now in its Fifth Edition. Dr. Diana and Brad, longtime friends, discussed how the Internet, social media, and porn have all contributed to the unraveling of marriages. Complaints about porn use constitute the number-one problem walking in the door of many couple and sex therapists today – a direct measure of the power that privacy afforded by handheld devices has to disrupt intimate relationships. Couples almost never discuss their sexual desires; some studies show that couples who view pornography together as partners find it easier to discuss their sexual desires and fantasies. As always, communication is key. Brad brought up teledildonics, a way to recreate the feelings of real (virtual) sex. Will this virtual reality sex replace real life sex? It may be on the horizon for some. Back to reality: in order to avoid divorce, never stop courting. Do not take your mate for granted, never get lazy in love!

Click here to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Dudley Danoff, author of “Male Sexual Health” — Aug. 8, 2017

Danoff -- Male Sexual Health

Dr. Dudley Danoff, MD, FACS, a world-renowned urologist, returned to the program. His newest book edition just came out today: Male Sexual Health – How to Stay Vital at Any There are many praises for Dr. Danoff’s book – including this from Larry King:  “Gives insightful, accurate, humorous, and knowledgeable answers to all the questions you were afraid to ask. I loved it, learned a lot, and highly recommend it.” Dr. Danoff and Dr. Diana discussed his five ways to reinvigorate your love life: (1) Keep boredom out of the bedroom; (2) Give yourself permission to try something new; (3) Pay attention to your body’s rhythms; (4) Don’t confine sex to the nighttime; (5) Look into alternate sex practices. The key to an exciting sex life is novelty – we all crave new and different experiences. A skilled lover plugs into a woman’s breath and pelvic thrusts to follow her lead. Seduce a woman’s mind … women are like crockpots – they take time to warm up. If a man seduces her mind, she’ll want the man to seduce her body later on. Great sex is an emotional connection – with good skills backed by informed knowledge. Tune in and buy his book. You won’t regret it!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce, teacher of Conscious Living Sexuality — Aug. 1, 2017

Nancy Sutton Pierce

Hedonism…Yes! Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce ( is a sex and relationship author, and international speaker, and a sensuality educator. She knows good sex is intentional, not spontaneous. It’s a practice you can have fun with and get better at, like yoga or meditation. Dr. Nancy is an event coordinator for the Hedonism Resort ( – a 36-year-old resort that has the largest percentage of repeat visitors in the world. Every week has a different “personality”: for swingers, for couples doing an intimacy retreat, for singles to learn about rejection, etc. The website will reveal more; however, keep in mind the images there are of models…the average predominant age range is 45-55 years. And some are older. The prevailing themes are authenticity, non-judgmental feelings and acceptance. Often these folks have discovered how refreshing and liberating it is to put aside notions of “normal” sexual behavior, forging their own. Dr. Nancy will return to this program August 29th. We’ll discuss the cruises, Lifestyles take-overs, where she teaches. Dr. Diana and Dr. Nancy will also talk about her presentation coming up at CatalystCon in Los Angeles September 16th on “Sexy Doesn’t Have an Expiration Date.” Tune in!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

David Steinberg, author of “This Thing We Call Sex” — July 25, 2017

This Thing We Call Sex

David Steinberg’s ( view of sex is who we are, how we live, and how we experience desire, joy and life. This philosophy is described in his outstanding book This Thing We Call Sex. Dr. Diana and David discussed sexuality and politics. The “Summer of Love” 1967 was the touchstone. The 60s held a promise that love was coming to all of us, and many believed the decade of the 70s was going to deliver that love with sex and drugs and rock and roll. It often did! Boomers to this day have a continuing sense of sexual entitlement and the feeling of erotic hope. Repressive governments disempower people – thus making them less likely to make problems. In 1967 folks were declaring I can take charge of my own life…getting closer to the rightness of sexual pleasure that is indeed a healing force that supports people and the planet. David looked at the Trump administration with some wise and historically experienced wisdom. Tune in for more!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Brad Coates, author of “Divorce with Decency” — July 11, 2017

Divorce with Decency book cover, fifth ecition -- 51vPPajqv7L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Brad Coates returned to the show. He knows all about marriage and divorce because he is a divorce lawyer in Honolulu, Hawaii (, and has written Divorce with Decency, now in its Fifth Edition. In 1972, 75% of all U.S. adults were married, but by the 2010 Census married couples comprised only 48% of all U.S. households. What are the causes and risk factors for divorce? Lack of communication is one: if a couple has experienced cheating, lying, neglect, or betrayal, they may want to throw dishes rather than sit down for a fireside chat. The birth of a first child is another: Gottman’s long-term studies show that two-thirds of the new parents were very unhappy. They treated each other with more contempt, belligerence, and sadness, as well as with less affection, humor, and empathy than did couples without children but married for the same amount of time. The studies also found that over the next year, hostility between partners increased dramatically, while the romance dissolved. Another risk factor is a lack of sex. Sexual satisfaction is one of the best predictors of overall happiness. Yet in one study, only 12% of couples reported not having “serious sexual problems” after having children. Brad points out that physical and sexual chemistry for both genders is often better in second marriages. Monogamy was also discussed. Oscar Wilde famously said, “Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.” Brad will return to the program August 15, 2017 for talk about the internet, social media, porn – as well as the rise of the “She Economy”…and more!  Tune in.

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

David Steinberg, author of “This Thing We Call Sex” — June 27, 2017

This Thing We Call Sex

David Steinberg ( has been writing about sexuality since 1989. His book, This Thing We Call Sex, is honest, funny, sometimes angry, but always profound. Dr. Diana and David discussed Fine Art Sexual Photography, something he has been doing since 1999. He photographs couples having sex, and he tells them to be themselves — to have a good time, to be really there with each other. His sexual photographs have won numerous awards, including at the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival. Many couples experience transformations after viewing their photos: one woman, for example, confronted deep issues of how she felt about her body. She called the experience of the photo shoot one of the most important days of her life! If you might be interested in being photographed, you may contact David through his website. David Steinberg has well documented the American sexual landscape. Please tune in for a fascinating interview!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):

Dr. Sayed Shah, MD, Mandala Integrative Medicine — June 13, 2107


Dr. Sayed Shah, MD (, and Dr. Diana discussed how gut health impacts our sexuality, as well as other important aspects of our lives. Last month Dr. Diana gave a keynote speech for Mandala Integrative Medicine’s “Women’s Integrative Lifestyle Forum” in Iowa. The focus of this interview was on how gut and sexual health are linked. Dr. Shah knows how important lifestyle changes are, giving the body tools for real health changes. Up to 80% of our immune system is impacted by and around our gut health. How do nutrition and food-related concerns impact a good sexual life? How is the Standard American Diet (SAD) affecting sexual lives? Does gut bacteria regulate our sex hormones?  The old adage, “You are what you eat” could be reworded: “You are what your intestinal flora eat!” Dr. Shah’s observation is important: Health is a balance of mind, body, and spirit. Please listen for some potentially life-changing information!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):