Dr. Pepper Schwartz, author of “Dating After 50 for Dummies” — April 29, 2014


Dr. Pepper Schwartz  (www.DrPepperSchwartz.com) discussed her nineteenth book “Dating After 50” (for the DUMMIES brand). Some things about dating never change, no matter how old you are – and this book contains information that applies to people far younger. Dr. Pepper and Dr. Diana discussed GETTING STARTED: being psychologically prepared, knowing your core requirements, brushing up on conversational skills – and even having a relaxed face. The online dating profile is important. How does one create an honest and appealing profile? The two Docs went on to talking about SEX: the love map, giving instructions, body image, safer sex, and more. The interview concluded with two parts of Dr. Pepper’s book: challenges to overcome as well as the signs of a solid and worthy relationship. Dr. Pepper offers good, solid, practical advice. Please listen because you will benefit!

Click below to listen to the interview (approx. one hour):